Two days in the unknown Mozambique, during my trip to Eastern Africa : MOZAMBIQUE

brawler : africa : mozambique : vilankulo, ihla magaruque, ihla barzaruto, ihla mozambique, cuamba, praia do tofo is an exciting traveller community of the world

Two days in the unknown Mozambique, during my trip to Eastern Africa

Vilankulo, Ihla Magaruque, Ihla Barzaruto, Ihla Mozambique, Cuamba, Praia do Tofo

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Two days in the unknown Mozambique, during my trip to Eastern Africa

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22.09.2010 Praia do Tofo (Mozambique)

In Africa you have to have patience.
If you're not patient, it will become!
Patience to be dozens of hours in an uncomfortable waiting van, looking, looking, hoping to see some animals at the safari.
Patience to endure the bureaucracy of the border; patience to bargain for a decent exchange rate between South African rand and Mozambique Metical.

After leaving South Africa with its beautiful Kruger National Park we leave behind even the "western" world, the remains of the old Boer today called "Afrikaners" vanish immediately in the red dust of the ground in Mozambique.
Crossing the border: change the language, leave the Dutch pronunciation of the English and welcomes us a very warm Portuguese.
We are in Africa and this time really!

In these days of civil unrest broke out in Maputo due to the price of bread and water. We decided wisely to avoid the capital and that is why we leave the only paved road to immerse ourselves in a godforsaken path ... big holes, dust, sand, jungle landscape backdrop to our journey ...

For hundreds of miles we do not find anything except some little baby popped out of nowhere and a few lonely goat ...

Sometimes I spell briefly to observe their huts and through them I try to imagine how it could carry on their daily lives ... it's hard not to tender compassion for these people who are born here find themselves living a life of hardship and struggle daily to survival ...
I am not exaggerating and the example it gives me clear the girl who fights with our friends to grab a empty plastic bottle ...

So as not to feel lucky in front of so much misery? How not to feel "small" when you're stuck in traffic or when you break, at home, and a silly ornament you angry? Here, everything comes back to purchase its true value.

Fannie, our driver Afrikaner, Continue straight ... we go back to the dark continent!

23.09.2010 Praia do Tofo (Mozambique)

Gift pen ... They give you a smile accompanied by a timid "obrigado" and you immediately feel richer and happier!

The thing that struck me about this first taste of Africa is the "waka waka", the eternal journey of these men, women and children who emerge from anywhere and walk ... go ahead ... somewhere ... go on in single file, in groups, some lonely ... improvise a dance on the roadside by red sand, an elderly lady with a lively discussion circle of women sitting by the large and pronounced. Children with heavy bottles or large bags on their heads, hair art and girls from the thousands of colored braids ... Where to go: you do not know ... Where did emerge: One sees ... We only know that go ...

These days I appreciated so much a Western thing for us is more than obvious: the electricity!
Make all operations in the dark is no easy task: set up your tent, unpack your backpack, look for the suit to sleep, you need to wash ...

After 14 hours on the road we stopped at Praia do Tofo, a romantic spot, which overlooks the Indian Ocean and that reminds me so much Dikwella.

The anti-malarial prophylaxis proceeds. The "Lariam" so far has not had major side effects in me, fortunately ...

[Nick]: "Mozambique conveys the idea that I have of Africa is poor but generous and friendly."

That's one of those places that do not easily forget!

We had to stock up a bit 'of food supplies at the border between South Africa and Mozambique when they pick a guy who rented us his marvelous night for a villa on the ocean.
It 'was hard to get there but it was worth it.

Waking up with this spectacle of nature I was excited!
The vast ocean that surrounds you, fishermen returning from fishing trip ...
Never shall I forget the short run barefoot, wearing only costume, the white beach ...
I wish I could capture as much as possible of these images, these feelings, these flavors ...
How much is' surprising Mozambique this ... Who would ever have expected?

24.09.2010 Vilankulo (Mozambique)

Vilankulo welcomed us with its sound, its music, its cuisine, its people ...

Two local boys cheer our dinner improvising songs with their guitars, songs that extol the goodness and kindness of the "people of Vilankulo.

What a lovely evening, I felt so far away from my world ... I was in a remote village in Mozambique ...

We are fortunate to stay in huts built from the roof of woven palm leaves, which overlooks the Indian Ocean.
Here, too, electricity is an unnecessary luxury.
Our torches lit by dim carrying out different tasks. Without light, everything is more difficult but it serves to strengthen our team spirit.
We endeavored to better the organization of the primary things: wire for hanging clothes, mosquito nets varied, backpack, etc. tomorrow for navigation.

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