My Safari into the wild Tanzania, Second part : TANZANIA

MASSIMOALLEGRO : africa : tanzania : arusha, mto wa mbo, karatu, serengeti national park, manyara national park, olduvai is an exciting traveller community of the world

My Safari into the wild Tanzania, Second part

Arusha, Mto wa Mbo, Karatu, Serengeti National Park, Manyara National Park, Olduvai

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My Safari into the wild Tanzania, Second part

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Eat our picnic lunch and early afternoon proceed to the vault of Seronera (the heart of the park).
Along the path leading into the central area of the park we find the plain of kopjes often we leave the main track to visit them. I kopjes are used by cheetahs or lions for spotting prey. So there we are different and in fact we see many times is just for spotting lions cheetahs prey or sunbathing.
Between the other kopjes endless expanses of grass where we often find large groups of Thompson's gazelles, Grant's, zebras, wildebeest and obviously topis.
We arrive early afternoon at the marvelous Seronera Lodge, in the very heart of the Serengeti where we suffered in our room accommodations.
It is not late and so we move to the first game drive. After five minutes we went out we run into other lions. What a spectacle. Animals everywhere. Gazelles, wildebeest and zebras are the most frequent, but are beautiful encounters with giraffes slamming the hills.
The evening of the first day, we are surprised by the sunset before returning to the lodge and enjoy it there with a group of baboons that are arranged like a theater near one another to enjoy the show
The area of Seronera is very wide and is also the best way to see the hunting of lions and cheetahs.
The next morning around 10:30 in disbelief at seeing a cheetah chasing a gazelle that gets in front of our car. Throughout the scene of rock and remain even thinking to make the photos. Then Andrea makes me notice and then try to recover, but now the gazelle has landed and the best is gone.
Patience. However, we enjoyed a perfect time unique and unrepeatable.
Later another scene incredible. A mother cheetah with two cubs to hunt gazelles would like a hyena but undermines its young. If he leaves, the hyena kills them if he does not die of hunger. E 'increasingly uncertain about a little' to the gazelles and then returns from small. Then again toward the gazelles and then the mother instinct prevails and back. Been a long time but eventually decided to wait.
We're going to see anything, but after 1 hour back. The mother has hunted and eaten, but when we are running away with the baby because the hyena is coming. The hyena starts to eat but does not last long because soon after arriving two lionesses. The lions smell of meat but can not see grass. They begin to fathom the ground. They go back and forth. Left and right in search of gazelles but not find it. They have the same capacity as the hyena to locate prey by smell. They go and soon after come the vultures finally are the real winners.
So we go in two days of wonderful game drive. In the morning we leave early and on Tornami for lunch. The afternoon game drive and then relax until sunset. What a life dream.
In the evening, from the terrace of the lodge which is situated in a beautiful vantage point oriented west sunsets. After two days so we move north. We arrive at Lobo Lodge in time for lunch.
Along the way other lions, cheetahs, a family of 3: Mom and 2 kittens and of course many herbivores.
Although we see fewer animals lobe, the area is still pù beautiful than that of Seronera. In addition, the Lodge is marvelous and friendly, camouflaged in a big Kopie. The pool terrace is an ideal spot to enjoy the beautiful nature around us and see the animals who come to drink at the pool located just below the terrace. Here "to see the animals" is not hard. From the terrace we have before us a valley that is full. On the left a group of roosting kipjes with lions that take the sole.Vicino water buffalo, giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, gazelles .. Here the safari we do lying on a bed facing the pool. Two days Lobo allow us to fully enjoy the wonders of this area where the number of sightings of lions are still numerous.
On one occasion we see addiruttura a great group (17 lions) who has chased a buffalo. One of the big boys of the group is inside the chest of the buffalo and eating the lungs. The others all around. They stayed there for almost an hour to watch them before moving to search for other interesting situations.
After two days we resumed our journey and headed towards the area of Lake Natron. We arrive in four hours. We left the gate in the north and we go into the spectacular wilderness of the Ngorongoro district. Lake Natron is famous because it is tinted pink at dawn, because it is populated by thousands of pink flamingos and because it is situated at the foot dell''Oldoniyo Lengai (the sacred volcano, where he lives the God of the Masai)
Having taken place at the campsite we move towards the 15.00 to go up the small river and reach, after a short walk, a waterfall that plunges into a natural pool where we do a nice hot bath. The area around the volcano but it is logical. We are in the Rift Valley.
We return to camp at 17.30 to relax. Meanwhile Deo is preparing the dinner of goat watered by South African wine that we had taken stock in Karatu.
The next day we wake up early to bring us on the shores of the lake to admire the sunrise dancing flamingos on its waters all beautifully colored pastel shades.
Wander wandering through the area and after a couple of hours of photos and walks back to camp happy. Dismantle the tents and we started driving back to the time of Mto wa Mbo. This time we go to the powdery slopes of the Rift Valley and see the beautiful volcanic paeaggi that abound in the great rift (the area where 2 tectonic plates meet and taglial'africa for 4.000Km from north to south).
After about 5 hours of travel we arrive at Mto wa Mbo where we stop for purchases.
Mto wa Mbo The market is well supplied with wooden objects. I buy four shadows and a tray in ebony. The next morning, after breakfast, we move at a time of Tarangire where we arrive after about an hour away.
Initially we enter an area of vast plains where the great baobab wonderful stand that characterize the northern area of the park. Then the landscape changes. Gradually imposes the savanna acacie.La most central area is beautiful. In the middle of the valley flows a river where the elephants and giraffes are watered. Here we also see 5 lions besides many other herbivores.
We're all day in the park and picnic lunch. Deo has prepared a very box provided: chicken, cake, sandwich, banana, biscuits, fruit juice, boiled eggs ... Not bad ..
Finished our tour in an hour we are in Arusha. We return all'Ethiopian Hotel.
In the evening we are free and Deo us to enjoy a specialty in African who knows good restaurants.
The troops Council (a sort of rattatuja with vegetables and chicken) accompanied by Ugali (poleti white). Really tasty.
The next day, rested, waiting for our guide who accompanies us in the last chapter of our trip: the visit of the park in Arusha.
E 'molto bello. Green forest ranger until the place to meet a ranger who accompanies us on our walk to the Mount Meru. We climb for about an hour from buffalo, elephants, gazelles, zebras, giraffes, warthogs, etc). Animals do not seem dangerous. Perhaps accustomed to tursti.
However, the ranger is armed with a rifle and I feel more secure.


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