Kuala Lumpur, Mabul, Sipadan and Perenthian.. A journey to the beautiful Malaysia : MALAYSIA

afrolounge : asia : malaysia : sabbah : kuala lumpur, mabul, sipadan, perenthian
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Kuala Lumpur, Mabul, Sipadan and Perenthian.. A journey to the beautiful Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Mabul, Sipadan, Perenthian

Petronas Tower by night
Petronas Tower by night
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Kuala Lumpur, Mabul, Sipadan and Perenthian.. A journey to the beautiful Malaysia

Località: Kuala Lumpur, Mabul, Sipadan, Perenthian
Regione: Sabbah
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We have just returned from our summer holidays 2008 in Malaysia ........ and before you begin to describe our adventure we must enhance that this is a wonderful country !!!!! We have planned our entire trip via the web, demonstrating that even in this country as in others of 'Asia (Thailand for example) as you can see from our travel notes can easily save a lot of money and have quality services is buying directly from accommodations via the Internet both on the ground. We are a small thanksgiving we do still has a tour operator who gave us inspiration and guidance for our stay and this is Gorgonia Travel that, given the quotation on hotels in KL, we chose only to book our hotel. Transactions all occurred via Web (e-mail), maximum seriousness and competence, well short for nostalgic for travel agents… seen what lies around… could be the right solution! Ready, departure and so ........ on 01 July 2008 at 15:45 we started with Emirates from Venice to destinations namely KL Kuala Lumpur. Why we chose this company? I do not like to travel for many hours by plane, and the stopover in Dubai (lalle arrival at 23:30) with a three-hour stopover between the arrival and coincidence, I was guaranteed a little 'of relief and allowed to practice in My wife sport most beloved by women…… .. gentil vogliatemene sex is not a male……, shopping .!!!!! Yes duty-free Dubay is quite convenient saves from 30 to 45% compared to our beautiful country. The board service with Emirates is impeccable, the quality of food and availability of staff on board is wasted in favour of passengers. Rates paid to head for the flight A / R 850 euros including taxes ticket purchased directly at the ticket office at the airport this, but as I mentioned earlier the same transaction is feasible via Web. The Malaysian national airline Malaysia Airlines flight from Rome with non-stop us was 810 euros in April when we bought the tickets and if we had to add the cost to get the capital with our dear carriers Alitalia or Airone the price would be increased. Dubai we only view at night and at the airport, but it is clear the feeling that you try walking between the multitude of passengers in transit in this country ... the city is expanding from being built for all the same airport is rifacendo the look aiming to become one of the most important in the world.
At 03:00 am starting from the UAE to Malaysia, and after a flight of about 7 hours to 14:30 arrive in perfect time in this beautiful country. taken baggage we reach our hotel EAST WING RENAISSANCE KLIA with a modern and fast train that with a couple of euro brings us from the city in SENTRAL STATION from which we continue with a taxi at a cost of 4 euro 2 persons.
The town, busy roads, climate ... everything seems surreal for us and our eyes are still scrutinizing the sky in search of the Petronas Towers while the taxi driver of Chinese origin will be welcome to an Englishman, however, clear and understandable. Arriving at our hotel booked via Web at only 29 euros per head per night, we confirm what we had seen and felt in other facilities in Asia .... quality, luxury compared to the price paid in these hotels 5 stars outperforming all competition. In 5 minutes to arrive on foot Petronas towers, their internal SURIA a shopping mall wonderful, well-supplied by the best international and non-shops, where you can eat ... and begin to practice on purchases in Malaysia.
In town we saw other shopping centers, one in the "golden triangle" has even the roller coaster inside one of its 12 floors .....( Berjaya Time Square). As a means of transport to move in the city we used to be the elevated (cost about 60 cents each) is a taxi which cost between 2 and 4 euros for 2 people depending on traffic and the organisation (at night you pay more). After visiting the Chinese marketplace (in reality is full of people of India, bangladesh and some second-generation Malaysian Chinese) where imitations are everywhere (watches, handbags, clothes etc.). we visited Little India and the Malaysian market (not suitable for those with stomach problems because of the strong odors). The evening before leaving we booked directly from our dinner on the tower Menara (30 euros per head) a wonderful restaurant's Seri Angkasa to over 300 metres in height from which you can see the whole city by night and enjoy a lot of things very good bids to try unlimited buffet. Eating in Malaysia is varied, we have eaten the noodles in all types, particularly the Laska and a Malaysian dish and piccantino strange but good hainansee chicken rice also recommended by our mentor caratceo: the Lonely Planet guide.
On July 4 we started at a time of Malaysian Borneo and precisely to the state of Sabah to destinations the island of Mabul from which you access Sipadan, my dream has always been in the drawer.
Via web we bought tickets with Air Asia to a ridiculous price (A / R for two persons Kuala Lumpur - Tawau 95 euros) direct flight departing at 07:20 from the LCC terminal in Kuala Lumpur and arrival at 10:00 Tawau to the border with Indonesia. Considering the time to make the ck-we preferred to take a taxi or a limousine service better service from our hotel until LCC terminal (about one hour to 60 km.) we spent 18 euro in two, expensive compared with the rates paid in Malaysian cities, but we loaded suitcases in the car and we avoided heavy movements. From here we continued to Mabul using services booked on the web Borneo Divers, and then mini bus for an hour and 20 minutes up to Semporna and then 45 minutes by boat to Mabul. The show begins here from the sea…. and Mabul island is the most used as a starting point for Tours in Sipadan, perhaps the most famous island of Borneo which is the tip of a limestone pinnacle that rises to 600 metres from the seabed and sub draws like me from all parts of the world.
Here I saw things unimaginable, 30 giant turtles in one dive, a dozen sharks that nuotavano so sinuous and elegant without endangering the safety of anyone, tiger fish moray eels and fish barrier, the scorpion fish, then an aquarium. Among diving to report Lobster Lair, Barracuda point, White tip avenue where avvistano several sharks and the mythical Drop Off located in front of the pier entrance to Sipadan with its wall that drops to 600 meters perhaps the best dive of my life. The island is a paradise of palm trees and turquoise water with sand that seems talc, was once a structure is now only open during the day by paying a permit to a couple of euros. Ideal for snorkeling. In the evening we beloved to count the stars


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Alla sera ci si diletta a contare le stelle , si va a fare un giretto nei piccoli villaggi locali situati ai bordi delle uniche due strutture grosse presenti a Mabul Il Borneo Diver Resort e lo Smart con i suoi water village .
L’atmosfera è di quelle surreali , si realizza la grande distanza da casa ma non se ne sente la mancanza , unica cosa per noi italiani , mi aspettavo di vedere qualche certificato degli istruttori subacquei attaccato alle pareti , in realtà il centro diving è spartano ma sicuro e le guide sono giovani e locali ,ma in gamba .
Dopo 5 giorni siamo partiti da questo paradiso per tornare a KL e da qui siamo andati sempre con Air Asia a Kota Barhu per raggiungere la nostra destinazione finale …. Le Perenthian Island .
Abbiamo scelto di avvalerci dei servizi del Tuna Bay Island Resort www.tunabay.com.my e la nostra fiducia è stata ben riposta , hanno un’ottima organizzazione , uno staff accogliente e la struttura paragonata al prezzo è ottima .Tutte le transazioni avvenute via web dal suo sito , da dove Lee Khing Kit il General manager accetta le prenotazioni. Il pagamento si fa in loco via web si da nno solo gli estremi della carta di credito .Una settimana due persone con colazione ( 245 euro ) incluso sia il trasferimento dall’aeroporto al porto di Kuala Besut sia il trasferimento in barca dal porto all’isola di Pulau Perenthian Besar il tutto sempre per due persone A/R , non aggiungo altro…
L’isola o meglio le due isole adiacenti Kecil e Besar sono bellissime e ricche di animali considerando che sono formate da giungla , alcune spiagge ricordano lontanamente le Seychelles , altre il film Paradise ( ricordatevi che siete in un paese islamico ….. ) . Qui si fa una vita di relax , la cucina è sia locale che internazionale si mangia veramente bene e di tutto anche se consiglio il pesce cotto al barbeque e la mitica Tiger Bier servita fredda con bicchieri ghiacciati . La temperatura dell’acqua 33 gradi , il clima perfetto non esiste l’afa e l’umidità quindi anche i 40 gradi sono molto tollerabili e neanche paragonabili al caldo estivo per lo meno quello dalle mie parti . E’ un posto indicato per tutta la famiglia , ci sono molti bambini di varie nazionalità , non ci sono pericoli e la struttura è ben organizzata per scaldare pappette o altro , la spiaggia scende lentamente e in modo progressivo verso il blu del mare nel quale impossibile non immergersi per ammirare tutti i pesci e le tartarughe . Certo non è Sipadan , ma l’acqua non ha nulla da invidiare alle maldive e le spiagge sono da favola con sabbia bianchissima . La mia preferita Tiga ruang a Turtle Beach dove potete vedere in questo periodo le piccole tartarughine custodite da pseudo ranger molto gentili . Durante le notti stellate di luglio le tartarughe risalgono questa spiaggia e depositano le uova scavando buche . Molto belle anche Long Beach nell’isola di Kecil , ideale per andarci a cena e poi fare due salti in spaiggia con la musica a palla , Shark Point e Romantic beach da cui si vede un tramonto mozza fiato .
Ho mangiato anche al PIR una bella struttura ricettiva situata a nord , ma è un po’ più caro.
Da qui è facile avvistare le tartarughe in acqua ( nuotare verso la parte sinistra e le boe di protezione per i bagnanti ) sono bellissime e trasmettono tranquillità sia ai grandi che ai più piccini che le vedono per la prima volta .
Per le immersioni , irrinunciabili per uno come me ho scelto Universal Diver , uno staff di persone europee in gamba e serie organizzate bene ( costo immersione attrezzatura inclusa 18 euro ) www.universaldiver.net .
Durante il mio soggiorno in Malesia non ho mai avuto alcun disturbo fisico , cosa invece provata a mie spese in Egitto ….. le zanzare non le ho mai viste , ma è bene portarsi da casa il solito spray….
Il 15 luglio , il sogno è finito …..si ritorna a casa con la voglia di tornarci in questa splendida Malesia dai mille colori e con persone veramente cordiali ; inizialmente avevo dubbi essendo un paese islamico di trovare un certo blocco da parte delle persone verso la mentalità occidentale e invece ….
Il connubio tra religione e vita quotidiana è così ben radicato che non si avverte nessuna discriminalità , nessuna esclusione tra le molteplici etnie e razze presenti …. la vera anima di questo paese.
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