Traveling to Sosùa, an unknown beautiful village in the Dominican Republic : DOMINICAN REPUBLIC is an exciting traveller community of the world

Traveling to Sosùa, an unknown beautiful village in the Dominican Republic


... alcune auto.... circolanti!!!!
... alcune auto.... circolanti!!!!
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Traveling to Sosùa, an unknown beautiful village in the Dominican Republic

Località: Sosùa
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ACCOMMODATION in Sosua - Dominican Republic
(22-2 / 08-03-2010)
(The purpose of the trip: whether the conditions exist to be able to win)
Travelers: Henry and Gilda di Pisa (Tuscany) - years 61 and 59

Milan Malpensa - 14.25 hours on 22 February. We are located on the plane, just behind the right wing, I close the porthole, my wife Gilda next to me. The preparation of the file is: 2-4-2, the airline is Livingston. We're late. Finally, after waiting hours incomprehensible (I wonder why no one tells you about air them on the reason for the delay ... but just as they may serve to "invent" most disparate things), he takes off. All for the better. Acceleration and deceleration perfect. We expect about 10 hours away. On our flight in business class, there is Raoul Bova with his team. We land at the airport "La Romana" and, upon landing, we see another character of the show: Edoardo Bennato.
The time taken to exit the airport station (if that can be called) is quite long because of the inefficient organization. And here, the first rip-off: the change we are told that the landing fee is paid only in dollars but then, 5 yards ahead, where is the charge to the collection, read a sign where it says: "Payment 10 € or $ 10 "! ... So, the advice I can give is to not change a lot of money at the airport but only a few euro, it would consider sufficient 50, some in dollars, twenty, and one in pesos (the euro is valued more than the dollar, the exchange rate at the time was about 48.50 pesos to one euro compared with 36.40 for $ 1).
Do not travel in car at night - I had been given advice on the subject, and also reading news stories here and there of those who had had previous experiences, the invitation was addressed to the reader was not to venture into the night trips in the car! However, although mature age, but persisted in me still a good dose of "childish irresponsibility," we get to the airport the car hire via the Internet prior to departure, direction of Sosua (hour trip planned, about 7). I have to say now that the roads I have not found so devastated as I had been described. Instead I found the lack of road signs, and same thing goes for lighting. We also encounter some interruptions or diversions for construction sites, but these signals are shown but not with Lumos that, at night, would be indispensable. Another danger, as the means by which the Dominicans, and not only used to move (cars, motorcycles, vans, trucks, vans etc.., Real scrap) may arise precisely because of these, many do not have the functioning taillights, reflectors, headlights, for those who have it, kept constantly high, the directional arrows most people do not use them at all, and so forth. And yet, you might find spots of oil on the roadway or some animal intent to cross the road (in case you do not see many vehicles with solid "paravacche). In the Dominican Republic but the guide is right there, you do not know what the lane as you travel either on the right, left, oo in the middle ... then you overtake on the left or right, depending on where you find the means ahead of us! I forgot: to hold in high regard that a very high percentage of motorists driving without a license and no insurance ... So in the unlikely event of an accident, the consequences for those who suffer such an event, are easy to imagine!
Along our journey, shortly after the capital Santo Domingo, the first time we are stopped by a police patrol, after having greeted warmly, noting that we do not know the language and that we are tourists, they let us go. But at the moment to resume the march, the car (carefully check the status of the vehicle before leaving), it gives no sign of life. The police make us nod to open the hood of the engine compartment and, after finding what is the catch, one of them, collecting a stone on the ground, violently beating on the battery terminals and the car gets back into gear. At that point we asked for a "tip" ... I remain puzzled, but still, I leave a few pesos and leave again. After a few kilometers away, as if the first police had warned colleagues later, we are stopped again. Same scene: friendly greeting and request for money! The latter, however, do not take them and understand that I had previously handed out to their colleagues. Do not object and they let us go quietly. A word of advice: do not give money to anybody! Will not tell you or will do anything! For them it is a form, albeit regrettable and condemnable, supplement to meager salary (tell me about € 200 per month), but if you refuse to agree to their demands, do not risk anything at all! Just make a lot of attention because at night, and only at night, fake policemen lurking in the streets with the intent to stop whoever is in transit. We too have encountered one of these that, with a small flashlight in one hand and a great shotgun in the other, there was a sign to approach. Not seeing the car with the logos of the Police (but I know that some make false written), the first slow and then speeds up and I walk away. I can not tell the intent of the actions of these "characters", but I think it is not difficult to imagine. Finally, exhausted, we arrive at the hotel around 4.30 am.
The next afternoon, still dazed from the long journey by air and by car, take a short walk along the main street of Sosua with a visit to the beach. The impact of the raw: dirt everywhere, unruly traffic, loud music coming from every part (houses, shops, bars, car), and rough roads full of potholes, many of these still in clay, incomplete sidewalks , light poles and electrical wires dangling, poultry, cows and dogs, many dogs along our path, the latter however, we also find them on the beach, obviously accustomed to people, do not cause any nuisance to passers-by. Before reaching the playa, we are literally assaulted by all sorts of characters, we realize that the "new tourists" and then ask us if we want to change money or if you are interested in visiting the hotels, and who invites us to enjoy, as a means of transport their scooter (this, I must say, are very useful for short trips, with only 25 pesos and 50 days of night transport us - we get on the saddle in two or three - in every place in town). All along the beach, lush vegetation takes place away from sunlight and picturesque colored "barracks" where, in addition to the various dining outlets, products are exposed to the classic souvenir of the place (... i made in China are the masters there too !) But you can not help but notice the lack of cleanliness and the absence of any standard of hygiene within the premises. Along the beach there are several "managers" dell'Arenile where you are offered deckchairs and parasols. Always negotiated the price (for two chairs will pay 100 pesos a day, just over two Euros). Do not expect to relax on the deck that we find in our beaches ... you'll soon realize how badly kept, dirty, shabby, repaired if approximate.


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