Falò, the Dragon Stoker... A trip to Rimini and Gradara, Emilia Romagna, Italy : ITALY

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Falò, the Dragon Stoker... A trip to Rimini and Gradara, Emilia Romagna, Italy

Rimini, Gradara

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Falò, the Dragon Stoker... A trip to Rimini and Gradara, Emilia Romagna, Italy

Località: Rimini, Gradara
Regione: Emilia Romagna
Stato: ITALY (IT)
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The bridge on 2 June is all about the fun of Matthew. If it truly deserves. Travel with us without any complaint, shall submit to the flight (even long) with great enthusiasm, visiting museums and exhibitions, always finding its own space for fun, it adapts to the food. What can I say, now is the time to immerse themselves in the most total entertainment with all our lui.Il initial program is one of those challengers, Fiabilandia, Italy in Miniature, San Marino (since we are close) and finally all on the beach with the bucket and spade. The hotel booked us by email also recommends a visit to overseas, but the program is already full enough and the weather are not the best. We'll be back on the Riviera to visit overseas. According to a family known to the hotel and well worth the entrance tralaltro free of
second day is a must. Single out the program was a visit to the Castle Gradara suggested by
Simone, vigorous boy component of the lotus flower. If you love castles, miniatures and archeology
you will find in him an inexhaustible source of information.

Travel Program
Wed 02> morning trip, afternoon beach
Thu 03> San Marino morning, afternoon castle Gradara
Fri 04> morning and afternoon Fiabilandia
Sat 05> Fiabilandia morning, afternoon beach
Sun 06> Italian miniature morning, afternoon trip

Review on: www.tripadvisor.it / members / CAT-TEO-DVD

THANKS to Matt for just our small, amazing, amazing, Matteo sweet :-)


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