PESARIIS IN VAL PESARINA – The country of clocks in the valley of time.. Journey to Friuli, Italy : ITALY

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PESARIIS IN VAL PESARINA – The country of clocks in the valley of time.. Journey to Friuli, Italy

Pesariis, Pieria

Pesariis 020 - Particolare carillon
Pesariis 020 - Particolare carillon
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PESARIIS IN VAL PESARINA – The country of clocks in the valley of time.. Journey to Friuli, Italy

Località: Pesariis, Pieria
Regione: Friuli Venezia Giulia
Stato: ITALY (IT)
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The world sees that travels on large billboards scroll the names of the destination stations, the number of tracks, the flights, the metro, with the arrival and departure ... all with the nose up to scan the name and time which will be composed by the swirling vortex of black palette with letters and numbers printed in white to form the words necessary to those who are using these means of transport.
In the world of travel we find these indicators, with their ticking fast, inform travelers about what interests him, the whole world uses them, observe them all, but few know ... where did this information system.
We also say that, worldwide, thousands of people each day, posing the look on the large wall clocks mounted on the facades of towers, churches, town halls, railway stations, street poles, etc.., Where, in addition time, it is very easy to read an applicant's name on these quadrants: Fratelli Solari.
How Solar Brothers were the boxes of wood with a clock and a slot where, after putting the card, pressing a lever was stamped time of entry or exit from the workplace, with the unforgettable sound of a bell reported the successful organization of affixing marking.
Yes, all these mechanisms, once a mechanical, electromechanical and electronic control and now are the result of ingenuity and entrepreneurship of the Brothers Solari, whose "Ancient and award-winning factory tower clocks" was born in 1725 inspired by 'craft that took place in Pesariis, near Prato in Carnian Pesarina, since the seventeenth century, but bearing that imprint Brothers Solar evolution that has allowed this company to succeed carnica worldwide.
Now in Pesariis, village at the foot of the Alps Carniche of Friuli where, paradoxically, the time has stopped showing the stark contrast with the old business has been only the story of this clock, with some lonely craftsman who continues tradition, but the memory of the watchmaking vocation is relived every day in walking in a country where watches are his living monument.
Pesariis, the visitor to this small but pleasant village carnico shows time measurements of all kinds, sundials, water clocks, mechanical vane giant chessboard, watches with complications, where are represented the planets, zodiac signs, the position of stars, the ecliptic of the sun through the various constellations, then the clock chime bells that can be played by hand and so you can enjoy walking along the path Watch monuments of this ancient town.
A small museum houses some mechanisms and a time to have the door opened, closed because if after hours, ask where the sacristan of the key tenants of this museum, and he will gladly lend well to explain the history of these " measuring time.
Do not miss sitting with his legs under the table to taste the local specialties, typical of Carnia, where the base of each plate is the simplicity and genuineness of the products used, traditionally the few who has always given this land to its people.
Pasta and beans, barley soup, pasta stuffed with herbs, sausage (muset) with sauerkraut, beef stew with polenta, Frico, the thin crispy pastry only cheeses, grated and fried anointed in their natural, then smoked sausages where the bacon is king, etc.. will taste the robust wines of Friuli where Cabernet excels here too black for his strong body and aroma that are associated with well dishes Carnian.
A Pesariis meeting with this kitchen we had the farm Sot Napa, a room where there is the classic "napa nape or" Friuli, the typical home with the rising white tassel often edged with lace around it made hand.
The restaurant is simple, as is its simple decor that recalls memories of a time, all well placed in a room of the ancient mansion of the eighteenth century which is the whole farm, with its housing, dining lunch and shop, activities conducted by the ladies and Eliana Silvia Solari course, a nice presence on the availability to dialogue which enabled us to steal even a few secrets of their cuisine, but also about the organic products of their company, purchased and of which we have chosen to associate with the typical boiled cabbage, preferably ... "Muset.
Good trip.
Wanda & Giancarlo


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