A leap in the past, where wishes could become reality.. : MALTA

Steffy : europe : malta : malta, gozo, circhewwa, comino, mgarr, xwejni, zebbug, gharb, san lawrenz, masalforn
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Travel review MALTA MALTA
A leap in the past, where wishes could become reality..

Malta, Gozo, Circhewwa, Comino, Mgarr, Xwejni, Zebbug, Gharb, San Lawrenz, Masalforn

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A leap in the past, where wishes could become reality..

Località: Malta, Gozo, Circhewwa, Comino, Mgarr, Xwejni, Zebbug, Gharb, San Lawrenz, Masalforn
Stato: MALTA (MT)
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There you were in Malta? Are we going?
Thus began the idea of this short vacation ... departure before the real summer, when the holidays still seem very ancient, its the perfect time to enjoy the rest, tranquility and calm of the sea.

What makes quest'isolotto in the middle of the Mediterranean, a few hours from Italy, a wonderful and magical place?
I think it is absolutely the air that you breathe in this time when even the tourists have not arrived en masse ... decadent air, melancholic, romantic .... Definitely very romantic!


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Valletta is a collection of narrow streets that rise and fall, connecting squares, stairs and ramparts.
Strolling along the walls you can enjoy the magnificent panorama of the open sea on the coast, on buildings in the distance and the old port.
The benches on the promenade between upper and lower Barrakka garden, masterfully directed at sunset, is a perfect setting to sit down, get face to the sun and stop to enjoy the last warmth of the day, to observe the maneuvers of the vessels in port, the final preparations of fishermen before leaving for the bar at night, let wrap fragrance of jasmine and Pitosforo.
Behind the buildings are constructed of tufa burn all shades of yellow and contrasts spectacularly with the blue sky, clear and smooth.
There are many views completely imbued with the romance ....
The port, the gardens, alleys, all the bow-windows outside the buildings ... nothing is free of magic!
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When the night falls, no more movement on the streets, only the lights of the lampposts give the feeling of a village and ....
The port lives, vessels departing for the sea, includes evening tours by boat in the bay and the fish jump and dart between a wave and un'increspatura

Everything is enveloped by the silence of darkness, all is still ... until a morning around the Triton Fountain in the old city gate and bedford Leyland, bus yellow and orange, with fanciful names and decorations on the edge of kitch, begin to leave the numbered stops, loading a few tourists and many local authorities to move towards every corner of the country
And it is so small that the capital back to life, the same crackling that is observed from the terrace on top of the Castille at the time of breakfast, heated by the sun of May
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If a bus is traveling on the island until Circhewwa, on the north, you pass through many villages that back to 20 and ... as if by magic dell'ubiquità the gift becomes possible, as well as teleport ..... and you could be in Greece, Sicily, Lampedusa all at once!
Nothing big stores, no stores, only small shops as it once was .... Those that sell bread, fruit, vegetables, all food, even meat and fish ... all in 30 square meters.

The bus then stops at the port, at the terminus. An "office" ticketing, a queue of vehicles and a group of passengers on foot .... all waiting to take off for boarding the ferry and landed in Gozo.
It 'fun to observe people lined up and waiting, and even studying the luggage ...... is understood that there are those who arrive from the airport, with luggage, and label the check-in still attached, there are those who are moves with the backpack, cleaner and not already on vacation for a while ', there are those who have only the beach bag and the newspaper under arm, one flight daily, who is standing beside the bike and decided d make a holiday of movement and health.
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The crossing is short, a few minutes. Even from the deck, watching the blue sea, the absence of boats in raids, the tranquility of the creeks, we understand that it is clear that we are not in Sardinia
Comino along and sees the famous Blue Lagoon ... how to do it now not to be imposed even for a day?

Leave on the right as we approach the coast of Gozo, then behind us, while in front of the port of Mgarr us quiet and sleepy
Child, with two hotels at the top of the cliff overlooking the harbor and the sea
The marina is full of boats, private fishing and ... the first colored gozzi

No need to organize your stay, travel ... no, here in Gozo can be left running improvisation and then .... The system is fine to ask the taxi driver at the port and ... located within ten minutes in a flat of Masalforn, just opposite the sea, at the end of the bay, with sitting room and terrace on the cliff ...
Thinking to stay a few nights and then spend 5 ...

There is the sun or the sky slightly covered it does not matter much, just get a scooter and there is even a bored moment

The path along the cliff to the west of the village bakers of "golden door to rocks, smoothed by wind and sun, the rocks that seem petrified waves, sand dunes, mountains of the desert!
The salt in the sea, still in use, give the first signal that the coast is a living, inhabited by men of the sea still living fishing, salt and sun

You see beyond the Xwejni Bay, where the trail is dispersed among cespuglietti and burned punzecchiosi, where you can protrude from the precipice and looking under the peaks can be seen holding the pot and bring the fruit of the peach. Spent on pre-war motorbikes, approaching the edge of the rocks, collect the product of the trap and are angry if you try to photograph it ... I do not think that fear that this goal can steal the soul, rather seem illegal, highly illegal!

At the center of the island, between Zebbug, Gharb and San Lawrenz, these rural villages, typically Gozitan from homes or white tuff globigerina from many churches and imposing, it loses between fields planted with violet flowers garofanini or used for the compositions of dried flowers. Handkerchiefs are colored green, little, and ocher, white and yellow, a lot, ... ocher field of cut hay and already collected, white and yellow where there are many small quarries globigerina.
Everything is against the crystalline sky and the intense blue sea, the colors clash and it is difficult to see who wins.

The visit all'Azure Window and Fungus Rock is a must. Only at the end of the road lined by stone parapet just like in Sardinia when I was a child, there is the majesty and dell'arco the spectacle of colors and transparencies of the sea.
Too many divers are arriving, the groups that prepare the dressing, Briefing and then the water ... all on one, to disturb fish and anemones.

It 'really a shame not being able to resist in the sea, in these beautiful waters so cold as transparent, the rich depths of life and from caves and wrecks to explore.
The grades on the surface are too few, just soaking up the legs to the knee until you feel being part of the body, you get the idea that they used to ... but when the cold touches the belly and head, you feel almost suffocated. Only a bit of swimming can resist a few minutes, but not as much as you want on the beauty of water.

It 'so often fall back to the small pebble beach of Masalforn, one close to home, where you can admire the sun descend guardar, fulfilled the sunset and enjoy the tranquility of the evening

On the seafront, with the lamp turned on, the restaurants are filled with fresh fish.
But only one has an isolated table in the corner, right in the middle of the sea dark and mysterious ... and that table is booked every night.
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If the beach is for the early morning or late afternoon, the center of Victoria and the fortified town, welcome during the hottest hours, those in which there is absolutely nobody on the streets, in squares or on top of the walls .
It 'just the walls that you can leave the space seen by one side and the other and get to the blue of the sea .. through well-defined land and cultivated in this fascinating puzzle of colors and shapes.

In the narrow alleys and quiet you feel for a moment in an Arabic suq, the only differences is the density of churches and basilicas that are discovered around every corner, every building, the incredible number of icnografie of the saints and the madonna .
It 'just walking aimlessly you find the best spots, you take the photos more interesting and you know Rikardu and the products of his shop, wine bar, tasting.
Home-made wine to accompany fresh bread, tomatoes of the field, of olives and capers and goat cheese typically gozitano, so that what should be a snack quickly becomes a sumptuous dinner.

But this is Gozo, the island of Calypso, where again there is the cave where legend has it that the nymph held Odysseus prisoner for 7 years. It seems that this place has been identified just before the beach of Ramla Bay, but sincerely believe that the little house among the rocks, with the pergola and the solitary window on the cliff, on the edge of the language of ocher-colored sand, is certainly much more to stay Calipso any tourist cave.

For a night in that house, for the stars from the balcony and the sunrise from the rocks nearby, Mango sing "to have you pay, one million more, even the last Malboro would ..." but if you have stopped smoking for 3 weeks do not have the currency exchange and ...... we must "satisfy" the terrace overlooking the Gulf of Masalforn.

E 'da Ramla bay and beach of Masalforn that evening you can enjoy the romantic view of the sunset ... the sun stoops to embrace the sea, and only when it is near the surface of the stretches in an endless kiss that drag fin in deep, deep in the sky leaving for the redness of decency

The hours, days, morning and night follow one another so incredibly fast in Gozo and Comino the same time can not resist the attack of sight and the ...
There is no need for a ferry to reach the official Comino sweet, just the boat of a fisherman and .... when it comes to the lagoon from the unique transparent ... pumpkin carriage, and becomes the goiter becomes sailboat!

The vegetation has not arrived on this great rock, only a few seeds of oleander was led by wind in the company of one of manciatina Pitosforo ... and that is how the rock barren and dusty paths are transformed into splashes of color and clouds of perfume

Besides the bastion from which one overlooks the sea, the cliffs overlooking the sea, the Blue Lagoon where they feel exactly like the Caribbean, a few abandoned house .... There is only the hotel and lots of peace Comino
Always at dusk, the most calm, peaceful and Pacios of the day, even the spirit relaxing holiday typically do not check on the desire of a race to the infinite wonder and this ....
In a moment we meet to run on these trails dusty and uneven between climbs and descents, white earth, the bush burned brown, purple and blue of cardoons, infinitely blue, incredibly blue sea that surrounds us to wrap it ... .
It is not the heat that can slow down, no glare of the sun, not the wind that stifles the slope or steps of the bastion that tire the legs ... no, none of this disturbs the magic of these feelings

Will be the desire of a second stroke at sunset, the pleasure of a bath of stars and the moon along a path very dark and confusing, the swinging of the legs suspended between water and rocks or talk to sunset like become a weakness? What makes this time even stay more nights than expected?
Perhaps the influence of Calypso .... not just for Odysseus, not just for men!

But the timing seems immune to spells of fatal and ninfa .... Quickly Mdina is hosting for the last night in the archipelago.
Once again walked on the soil after the Maltese stay gozitano, with the support of two local bus Bedford, it is easy to move within the island until you reach the door of the old capital ..
It will be a case or will be the main theme of this stay, but this time is the sunset and the stones of the walls, towers, churches and all the buildings set fire to the sun ..
Enter on tiptoe through this majestic arch is almost a must ...

There are machines that disturb the silence, no people, no children no items .... Only the gift of new powder pavement .....
But the surreal and mysterious air that's in those days where no one takes stormed the streets of the old city center, the flavor of mystery and poetry, everything is so strong as to remove the desire to speak, to wonder aloud

E 'calming penetrate between the narrow alleys of the town, hang from the parapet and grown to dominate the campaign, feel for a moment back to Gozo, as if the tape is riavvolgesse and vacation again ...

Delight in front of a wall completely covered with Buganvilla or enjoy a glass of wine from a terrace on the walls seems to be a moment where you can not escape ... especially since you can not hide for too long in the mind that the return is just around the corner
The last moments are always more intense at any travel .... But when the journey is to fulfill a dream, it's violent awakening and the awareness of reality

The sea is far away, the table also always booked, but even here you can restore balance and situations ....
A special restaurant, a small table in a corner, a waiter kind and polite, a good bottle of wine and fresh fish .... And here again that echoes in your ears to the voice of the sea and the calm of the dark night

It always leaves something to our places and people we love ...

who knows what I have left in Malta, the place and wanted to live with the person ...
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