-35° C!.. Winter's end in the fascinating Moscow, capital of Russia : RUSSIAN FEDERATION

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-35° C!.. Winter's end in the fascinating Moscow, capital of Russia


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-35° C!.. Winter's end in the fascinating Moscow, capital of Russia

Località: Moscow
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When I heard that the flight to Delhi dell'Aeroflot had an afternoon stopover in Moscow, I could not resist the temptation to prolong the stay of a few days to visit some of the greatest capitals of the world.
I dreaded the idea of having to adapt to such different temperatures .. Italian Russian winter winter .. and then to the searing heat of the dry season in India .. a nice mix .. was particularly difficult to put a little 'all in my backpack, by keeping the heat summer dresses .. but nothing is impossible!

Just leave the airport you feel that everything is different, our conception of the winter is not the same as theirs. Temperatures are low but the air is still, without even a wisp of wind and the body reacts immediately in a positive way with a sudden discharge of adrenaline. This cold is not so bad .. enough to have covered the entire body and can even stay out for days.

And then has its charm ...
Red Square is completely frozen .. is a show! The strong colors and the architecture complex of buildings contrast with the simplicity of snow .. White fails to cover the monumentality of the complex .. which is one of
places the world where you feel more stunned .. The square is immense .. beautiful .. perfect ..
The only thing that made me smile was realizing for the first time the actual proportions of the Cathedral of St. Basil .. that seems a true giant in the guides .. but in reality very small .. I did not expect .. I seemed to stand in front of a reproduction of the theme parks .. but no .. was that true! A church that never ceases to amaze .. inside is unpredictable .. there is a real internal .. but a series of tunnels and corridors painted similar to the secret of a castle!

The next day we visit the Kremlin (we had 4 cats! Was a sight to visit a place so famous in the total absence of tourists!). The walls are high and access the red stands out on the snow white. Gl Kremlin buildings are very well preserved, the churches are wonderful, with their impressive frescoes and gilded rooms completely!

In the afternoon, then wandered the city, Moscow is a slab of ice and is difficult to imagine that it's a river ... and then a visit to the famous Pushkin Museum, which houses many beautiful works of the Impressionists and the masterpiece of Ingres' Madonna of the Host.
The evening stroll on Ulitsa Arbat, a pedestrian street very nice and refreshed us with a good meal heavy, Russian-style, to refuel.

The last day, it was customary to visit the mausoleum of Lenin, the curiosity was really great. The body is impressive, waxy-looking, but it seems almost alive! You can only give a quick look without dwelling on details because a guard immediately invites us to leave ..

And so ends the meeting with Moscow .. we take the subway to our hotel in the extreme periphery.
It 'important to study a bit' the Cyrillic if you want to visit Moscow in freedom without spending too much money for a taxi (which asks figures astronimiche!). The metro is a good solution, very fast .. and the stations are works of art! When you go down quickly with the escalator seems to be transported into the bowels of the earth ... Tunnel down really seems never ending.

And off to the airport .. even if we discover that the flight is overbooked .. and we stop in Moscow at least a little more '...


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