Feliz Año Nuevo in Barcelona, Spain : SPAIN

jessichina : europe : spain : barcellona
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Travel review SPAIN SPAIN
Feliz Año Nuevo in Barcelona, Spain


regina isabella
regina isabella
Pagine 1
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Feliz Año Nuevo in Barcelona, Spain

Località: Barcellona
Stato: SPAIN (ES)
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PROTAGONISTS: Gabri and I and + melania pè
MEANS OF TRANSPORT: Iberia flight + and various taxi meter (T10 comodissimo the ticket with which you can make ten voyages in all media)
ACCOMMODATION: hotel (three stars dicreto but especially good position on the ramblas)
VISITS: camp nou stadium and museum del barco, cenntro Maremagnum commercial, which entered the sagrada famille, entrance to Casa Batllo, km and km around the city
Of note: el Tinglado restaurant (restaurant and everything really fresh fish at the port)


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