A week in Stockholm to start a better 2005 year… : SWEDEN

Klarin : europe : sweden : stockholm, uppsala
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Travel review SWEDEN SWEDEN
A week in Stockholm to start a better 2005 year…

Stockholm, Uppsala

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A week in Stockholm to start a better 2005 year…

Località: Stockholm, Uppsala
Stato: SWEDEN (SE)
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A week in the cold (but not so much) Stockholm and its surroundings to discover the charm Nordic ... Unfortunately at a time not so happy, that of "after the tsunami ...


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Arrival in Stockholm

Alitalia flight Milan - Stockholm 9:15 to 11:50 a.m.. We have purchased over the Internet a few days ago a package flight + hotel for 7 nights. I do not know whether too many or too few, we'll see ... The idea of going to Stockholm, I was coming in December, when all'Ikea had completed a form to win a flight to Stockholm or Copenhagen ... Obviously they have never been approached ... but I was still curious.
Dall'aereo enjoy spectacular views of fjords and icy Stockholm, illuminated by the midday sun, I was already wonderful (in Sweden in winter is the light of the 16 in our latitudes). The sun is very low on the horizon between three hours and will be dark. Fa un po 'impression if it is the first time you get in a Nordic country in winter. Practically, we will see later, the sun is almost fixed in a slightly 'above the horizon, which gives a wonderful warm light, even to take photographs.
While waiting for our luggage at the airport of Arlanda, crossed the eyes of some Swedish tourists just landed from ... Are compiling modules at a small desk of the Swedish Red Cross, I imagine to provide their own data and no longer part of the list of missing tsunami that has hit Southeast Asia. Sweden has had so many tragic deaths and 1,000 missing, therefore, heralds a new year is very quiet and full of respect for the tragic event. Corriere, I read in the air, I heard that the Prime Minister has canceled the traditional fireworks and celebration at Skansen. I think it is right and for the first time I am going to tackle a holiday with a different spirit, a little 'sad and not with my usual excitement.
To reach the city, which is 40 km, we decide to take the Arlanda Express because there is a promotion in this period: 200 Kr (about 22 Euro. 1 Euro = 9 Kr) for two people instead of 380. Vale la pena advantage. Take your ticket with the vending machine, paying with a credit card. The train is fast, the display tells us that travel at 200 km / h! Also informs us that outside there are 5 ° C, even the cold that we expected! In 20 minutes we are at the station (T-Centralen). Just get the money to cash machines and we head towards the underground following signs for T-Bana. From the foyer, go downstairs and go at SL Center (you have to take a note with the first number and wait your turn) to buy a coupon for 10 trips (80 Kr - in fact, in every city are stamped on two lines coupon for each person). Then take the metro to our hotel which is 4 stops (Skanstull). Here, we will see in the following days, the distances are short and you can turn a walk to see many things but in winter it is useful to have the public transport because they are very efficient and can not take too cold when you must move from one point to another.
The hotel is the Clarion Hotel (www.clarionstockholm.com) on the island of Södermalm. It 'a big modern hotel and the furniture is Swedish / minimal (slightly' Ikea style) with touches of design, very nice. Placed in the luggage room leave immediately to take advantage of the sun (do not know how it will be tomorrow!) And find a place where dinner for the night of New Year's Day.
The bus number 3 leads us to Slussen in 10 minutes. We continue to walk to the beach where some boats are docked and restaurant. We head towards the first, Lady Patricia (www.patricia.st - I had been named by a girl via email) and Citofonia asking in English if they are still two seats left. To my great surprise, the female voice tells me so, and opens us. We enter. Let's look quickly at the upper deck where the restaurant looks very nice, with large windows overlooking the sea and Gamla Stan (the Old Town). We pay both tickets (990 Kr) for dinner from three courses starting at 19, the only time available. In practice we will have until 21:30 to free the table but we can stay on the boat, there are also a bar and a nightclub downstairs. It goes so well. I did not want to turn half the city and spend time searching for another room.
Let the little light to take a walk on the seafront of Gamla Stan. These are the 15 and the sky was tinged with pink on the horizon. Very special ... What I see I like a lot already, the city seems beautiful but the longer we explore in the following days. Arrive until Castle before putting in a room on the main square Stortorget the Kaffeekoppen, because that is near full. Descend downstairs into a kind of cellar with vaulted ceiling and I ordered a baked potato with chicken curry, it's not very Swedish, but I did not want sandwiches proposed. Beside us, there are those who drink cappuccino and eat cake, indeed are the 16, but I do not have lunch! Here, I'm already out of step with the times! When leave is dark, but not that dark dark, the sky is an intense dark blue and pure, with so many stars. Let's go back to the hotel with the metro, which in Gamla Stan is on the surface. A moment of relaxation and 18:40 we are off again.
Strongly recommended the cap of wool or fleece this season, the evening and even during the day can be a lot of wind and cold if it does not cover well is better. Ditto for a scarf, gloves and a pair of shoes or boots padded for women (can be bought on the spot, instead, here are beautiful and you could start a fashion in Italy!), Then if you have a long duvet cover is perfect for the legs and avoid annoying mutandoni wear wool trousers below!
On the streets, many Swedes crossed with plastic bags full of bottles, ready for dinner. In fact, in Sweden there is a strict regulation for the sale of alcohol, which, besides being prohibited to anyone under 21 years, is subject to high taxes. There are shops dedicated state, the Systembolaget, where alcohol is sold. It seems that this monopoly is born in order to discourage alcohol consumption among the population, increasing prices and reducing the social cost of alcoholism, and then share the proceeds among the population.
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New Year's evening

In front of the Patricia's already a nice tail when we arrive. But we see a particularly strange: there is no noise ... A few moments later, we understand that we are in front of a (large) group of deaf-mute! At some ago 'to see so many people that "speak" using lively only their hands and facial expressions. It 'also observe fascinating: I seem to be deaf so I seem to ease ... although I must admit that the prospect of spending a new year, already saddened by recent events, surrounded by silence makes me a little 'strange. However they are ten times more elegant than us and we read the note that jeans are unwelcome. And what Paul is wearing? The jeans of course. We have not brought elegant clothes. Fortunately, we are passing the same! In Sweden they dress quite well in the evening when they leave, then it is better to bring a pair of dark trousers for men and some nice clothes for girls. Indeed, we have seen very many Swedes shot in the premises, perhaps in a top or dress sbracciatissimi even when not hot.
At the entrance to the boat's wardrobe, here we must leave coats and scarves to pay 20 Kr head! In the days following the wardrobe back in almost all local (except the beer), the average cost is 15 Kr each.
After a while 'fills the room and make us sit at a table next to two German tourists, the oldest of us, however ... with which we have not exchanged a word ...
I think that maybe we would have made more friends with the group of deaf-mute, which is the other side of the boat!
Dinner is not exceptional, but that is good, at 20:30 we have already finished the main course! We ask the waiter to slow down a little '! I'm already asleep and the idea of going to bed now, I actually passes for the mind. Well, we are standing by 5 am so they are justified!
At 21:30, the finished dessert, we are invited to leave our table because it reaches the second round (I already knew). Continue the evening at the bar of the boat, in front of a large window with views of Gamla Stan and the sea. Very evocative landscape. Already begin to see the first fireworks fired from the people on the street. Are quite small but they create here and there patches of color in the sky that are reflected on the sea. Towards the 23 group plays and sings in the bar and dancing, of course play even pieces of Abba! The opposite would have disappointed me!
At midnight there is no count down and I do not even notice that they now in 2005! In fact, send the song "Happy New Year" (also of Abba) and all the ships in port are playing their sirens in the meantime all the local kids are out on the deck of the boat, outdoors, without cover at all! Many girls wear their mini dresses and tops scollatissimi and if they are at least half an hour away! I wonder how do! When I go out too (with a jumper) can stand only five minutes! I used to be ...
A huge cruise ship set sail a few minutes after midnight and slowly leaves the islands, heading who knows where ... perhaps to Estonia ... All'una go back to the hotel, tired, on the road to Slussen is a great chaos and several policemen. Botti, for people who are beaten, drunk people ... But! Do not expect me! Metrò and escaped in a few minutes later I am in the world of dreams ...
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Happy New Year!

Well, in terms of weather is pretty disgusting. Day grigissima that reflected the mood of Sweden, today is national mourning. At 11 we make a breakfast that looks like a lunch and leave around noon, in the direction of Skansen, the most famous park in Stockholm (entry 50 Kr), where Sweden has played a small-scale, with houses, farms, even a zoo with Scandinavian animals. I think usually there are craftsmen at work and you can visit the houses, but today everything is closed and quiet. Flags at half mast and gray sky does not always help to brighten this visit, so we are dedicated to animals: reindeer, foxes, elk, seals, lynx, owls, etc ... Unfortunately, the bears are hibernating ...
Also on the island of Djurgarden, visit the Nordiska Museet, now free. The building is very beautiful from the outside, the inside would be interesting if there were explanations in English are unfortunately almost non-existent.
This evening we go to dinner at a Thai restaurant in Södermalm, the Koh Phangan (www.kohphangan.se), reported on various sites and guides, and since we love Thai food does not fail to go! What is striking is the atmosphere and tropical decor of the space, absolutely crazy! It seems to be really into one of the restaurants that are found on beaches in Thailand, low ceiling and dark, Lucina, trees, vegetation, and a tuk-tuk where you can sit and eat! At some point even a thunderstorm breaks out (simulated of course ... but very good!) The food is very good, recommended for those who love Thai cuisine.
After dinner we walk two steps to Södermalm, to return to the hotel. The buildings are very beautiful and modern, filled with large windows. In fact it is a common feature of the Nordic countries, to let in more light as possible. We also note that all Christmas decorations are very fine and smooth, the lights are strictly white and over the famous candelabrum Ikea "electric there are many bright stars made of paper with some pockets in the shape of stars to pull out the light bulb hidden inside.
A drink in the hotel cocktail bar, also equipped with table casino, like most of the premises. In fact, tonight's entry is a watch to monitor the age of those who went to the bar!
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Walkaround in downtown...

Today it rains. Damn that sfiga I say! The 31 was nice but not the way we enjoyed because it was almost dark when we arrived. Therefore devote the day to visit museums because tomorrow, Monday, most of them will be closed. We are disappointed because we can not see nor Drottingholm Palace nor the Gripsholm Castle in the winter are only open during the weekend. And this weekend they are half day, are closed anyway ... It 'a shame, it seems that they are beautiful.
We buy a transport card valid for 3 days (180 Kr). Do not take the Stockholm Card, because so many museums and attractions are closed or covered and the card would not be at all convenient.
While traveling on board the sky is quickly discovering, at this point will take advantage and instead of back in a museum down the promenade in front of the Nordiska Museet, the boulevard Strandvägen. Take a walk on this long path, bordered by the sea on one side with old wooden boats and beautiful homes on the other, is a real pleasure. The sun comes and goes, the clouds are fast and we must wait for the right time to take a picture. The colors are fantastic when the sun lights up the buildings. Agrees also bring sunglasses because at midday can be very strong and because the sun is just above the horizon one is often forced to watch it in the face.
A technical note for those who are fanatic of the photos' traditional 'like me: take it rolls of' Ultra 'that are suitable for any light conditions because the weather can change very quickly. In the morning may be cloudy and rainy but becoming sunny in an hour ... or otherwise. I noticed that often in the afternoon and before sunset (15:30) the sky was cloud.
So we continue our walk up to the two islets in front of Gamla Stan: Skeppsholmen and Kastellholmen. Along the first is berthed the famous Af Chapman, a schooner used for hostel for some years and very popular among the tourists with tight budgets. From here there is a magnificent view over Gamla Stan and Södermalm.
To return to Slussen we saw that the boat is included in our membership card. We reach then the Royal Castle on foot and visit the apartments only (70 Kr) because they are already past the 14 and the Castle closes at 15th The royal apartments are a disappointment, however, say that after seeing those in the Czech Republic and Bavaria, we have become difficult. They say that it is more interesting to the Treasury, but is now closed.
Therefore we go to visit the Museum dell'Armeria Royal Dell'Ala feet west of the castle today is also free and is quite interesting. You can try to hold a sword in his hand as the knights of the Middle Ages. It is not so simple: they are heavy! You can also do a test of King Arthur trying to remove the sword from the rock (of course there is a hard spring) with a dial that indicates a historical figure who represents the force exerted: Joan of Arc, etc ... up to King Arthur, I think unattainable. Well, better not try to do figuracce! Downstairs are very beautiful royal carriages.
Leaving, we go to the Vasa Museet (85 Kr) with the bus number 47. Enclosing class from an ancient war of 1628, sank shortly after his departure for a design flaw! E 'was recovered 333 years later and pulled out of the almost intact since the waters of the archipelago of Stockholm were not very salty. Well, needless to say that the visit of the Vasa Museet is a must for visitors to Stockholm, the museum is very interesting, built around the huge ship, with several plans to approach the ship and various locations in order to understand the life on board and life in Sweden at that time. Unfortunately we only have half an hour before closing time (17 hours except on Wednesdays 20) and we see enough of the whole race. In my opinion it deserves a visit of at least one hour.
Leaving to go Berzelli Park to book a dinner at Berns, very nice historic brasserie, but the bar tell us that is closed until January 7! What sfiga, again! If you can, andateci, we peek through the windows of the main hall is truly a beautiful locale and appear not to spend much.
Then we enter into a bar frequented by beautiful young Swedes. I note that the stereotype of the beautiful Swedish blonde incredibly blue eyes is not as unfounded: there is a girl in front of the table that could easily make a model, like many other views so far on the other hand ... A small consolation: many aging fatten, and are not all blond, I have noticed that many are colored the hair! Eh eh eh ...
After a leap in the hotel, go out to dinner to 20th Too late for Swedish royalty, in fact we have to wait for a table for an hour a Pelikan (www.pelikan.se), historical Swedish brewery, on Södermalm. The place is overflowing although I note that some tables are free but reserved for those who drink only. While waiting we drink a beer at the bar looking at the place that is very nice. Also eat very well, I marinated salmon and Pytt the Panna, a typical dish consists of diced potatoes, bacon (or ham or sausage), onions sautéed in a pan with a fried egg on face! All this served with slices of beet. Can make early impression but it is very good and especially substantial! We do not make time to taste the desserts because the kitchen is already closed! These are the 22 ... Ah yes, so here goes ... Dinner soon!
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Today bad weather...

The alarm rings at 8:30. The weather seems nice, the sun penetrates into our room through the huge stained glass window (detail that I had to choose the hotel!). Unfortunately, while we make the breakfast Nuvoloni blacks fill the sky! We can not definitely make programs here! With a bus reach Gamla Stan with the intent to make a trip in the old town. There are a cold and a terrible wind! Down along with the cap back to me very useful! The three things we wanted to visit are closed: the House of Nobility, and Riddarholmskyrkan Storkyrkan (two churches). What disappointment! So we walk on the small island and we pulled in all the lanes that we have before.
Captain in front of the Ice Gallery: I read about the guide, we enter.
First step: pay 50 Kr Second step: put a huge cape with silver hood and gloves, with which one moves with the grace of Barbapapa! Third stage: you get into a tiny room made entirely of ice! Constant temperature: -7 ° C, but not even that cold crazy ... will be the cape ... There is a bed of ice with reindeer skins, where one can lie down. Horrible experience I have to say and very uncomfortable, only the time to take a picture! There are small sculptures of ice, a bar with glasses of ice (on sale, secured in their original form for 35 hours. A Gift!) And a screen where a video is projected sull'Ice Hotel which is located in Lapland. Practically this Ice Gallery is an advertisement for the Ice Hotel. Maybe worth more punishment to go directly to that Bar, within the Nordic Sea Hotel, next to Central Station, where for 120 Kr give you a cocktail, of course, in a glass of ice. However, as Milan is the Absolut Ice Bar where one wanted to try this experience. After 10 minutes we are already out, 50 Kr are somewhat 'many perhaps ...
We head towards Östermalm, the district that is located on the north of Gamla Stan. Molto carina la Ostermalmshallen, a covered market with fish and other gastronomic specialties. You can also have lunch. The fish are still alive on the benches! We can testify, there is an almost missed him! Apart from jokes, really, a Pescioni jumping so much that it fell to the ground at our feet!
We end the day strolling through the center, Normalm near dell'orribile Sergels Torg (by day, however, is even more ugly). Facciamo un po 'di shopping. Here are the furniture stores and design fabulous, fantastic shops, a few names: Design Torget, Granit, Stockhom, etc. ... I bought at least 4 photo albums with pages of black paper, very elegant but very expensive ... You can also find items for your home at very reasonable prices.
The tourist office is located at Sergels Torg, in the underground of the square.
At approximately 17 to enter Wayne's Coffee for the usual afternoon break with coffee and muffins.
This evening at the hotel, I give you a dip in the jacuzzi joint top floor of the hotel, with panoramic windows of the city. Really relaxing after a day in the cold.
For dinner we go to Fem Sma Hus to Gamla Stan (www.femsmahus.se). Local historian very nice and intimate, basement with stone walls and vaulted ceilings, candles and great menu. Of course the account is also great. As an appetizer, try the dish "Örtvåffla med karljohanssvampcréme, serveras med en liten rödlökssallad" (herb of waffles with cream of porcini mushrooms and red onion salad) and as sweet "Äppelkaka med karamellglass och valnötter" (apple pie and ice cream with nuts caramel). Trust!
Let us then four steps to Gamla Stan and night is very fascinating. Lovers of the photos, bring a tripod to take night photos!
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Trip in Vaxholm

Alarm at 6:40 because we have to take the boat at 8:40 for Vaxholm (Kr Route 65 one way), a town in the islands. Today is a wonderful day, with a beautiful blue sky even though the sun has not yet arisen. Us in advance so that ultimately we are late (as always!) And risk losing the boat! We do a crazy race to the nearest metro Kungsträdgården Stromkajen up to the pier where the ships depart for the islands. This is not a joke, the media are all in perfect time! The ship leaves at 8:40 so punctual. We pass along Gamla Stan, which we have a wonderful view. The trip is very relaxing, we are also out on the upper deck because it is not so cold. The sun comes out around 9 from behind the hills that we're coasting. There are houses crazy in the woods or pine green. Those close to the sea with a private jetty. Crossed two cruise ships to be very close because the transition between the buoys is tight. Doing enough impression go a few meters from these floating palaces! One of these comes from Tallinn, Estonia.
We arrive at 10 to Vaxholm, there is no one around and it seems a ghost town! It 'very nice and it seems that summer is full of tourists. We walk for an hour admiring the pastel-colored houses, huts with their children (of the same color of the case!), It seems a little 'village of the Truman Show but there's almost a soul around. At 11:25 a.m. we are already on the bus No 670 to return to Stockholm, the ticket is included in our subscription. After 40 minutes we arrive in a city with a metro stop and buses, where we reach Södermalm.
Do not miss a walk on the avenue that borders the sea, north of the island, Sodermalarstrand, for a beautiful view of Gamla Stan and the Town Hall. Surrounding the square are Mariatorget a Swedish lady, see our head with the air, very kind to us the direction to get to the vantage point: Monteliusvägen. Indeed the view is wonderful! Pity that the sky has already cloud. It must be very beautiful in the morning when the sun rises, illuminating the city. A Swedish lady, who was doing the lunch on a wooden table with his son and his grandmother, we take a picture and cried in English: "a picture of our beautiful capital city!". From there, continue right into a series of very picturesque cobbled streets and deserts that lead us to Slussen.
We end the day with a few 'shops in the street that goes behind Slussen (makes the corner of the Tony and Guy hair salon) and Gamla Stan where we buy a small print of 1840 representative Stockholm. Chatting with the owner of the shop ladies discover that here is not yet come winter! Tells us that the coldest months are February and March, and that it had snowed in November, but then nothing, or almost.
At the hotel I can not rituffarmi in the jacuzzi!
At dinner we go back to Gamla Stan, the Zum Franziskaner (www.zumfranziskaner.se), brewery founded in 1421 by German monks. We arrive early this time, around 19:30, but there is so hardly anyone, on the strong rains this evening! I feel the pleading but I do not like, at least not as it is cooked. We are also disappointed in the rest of the dinner for the first time I left on the stomach, so I can not recommend this place if not for drinking a beer.
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Trip in Uppsala

Today we make a trip to Uppsala, train (67 Kr each way). It 'a very famous university town which lies 60 km north of Stockholm, it takes about 45 minutes by train to reach it.
In winter there is not much to see: the castle is closed, you can see from outside the University, with its garden adorned by some of the medieval runic stones, circa 1000, DC 1100. Granite slabs are used to commemorate deceased persons, engraved with inscriptions, drawings and symbols painted in red. We enter in the Church, the largest in Scandinavia. The city, however, some 'disappoints us, we expected something more picturesque. At lunch there are the three minutes of silence for tsunami victims, as in Europe. The flags are at half-shaft and the people, on foot or by bike, stops on the road. The only noise comes from ducks inhabiting the river that we are experiencing. The sun rose behind the church and there is a very special light that makes this moment even more solemn ...
13 to take the train to Stockholm and, surprise, we pay less than to same (51 Kr). We note that it is indicated that this is a discounted rate, probably due to the organization. Not bad! The use of the hatch of the station is like all employees encountered so far: smiling, fast, efficient! Upon arrival at the Central Station includes a card valid for three days even though in reality there are only two days of stay. We believe that they should be the same.

I shall digress making some observations and comments on public services and the Swedish people:
§ public transport are always punctual, with a stop every electronic panel indicates how many minutes does it take, and are truthful!
§ stops are marked with an entry recorded in the metro, as it passes the text on an electronic display, in buses is the same driver to announce the stops with a microphone
§ to the bus, people made the tail!
§ is to show your ticket the driver when you climb on the bus, while in metrò controls are very frequent
§ in each bus there is enough space for at least two or three strollers or prams, with hooks to tie them, the bus is also very low for the least possible effort in the ascent or descent
§ in every metro station there are lifts, for mothers with strollers, or for the handicapped
§ in many local buildings, shops, there are ramps or lifts wherever there are stairs, always allow for an easier transition
§ of the local baths are almost always suitable for people with disabilities
§ public toilets are always a fee, usually 5 Kr, while you can use those free in tourist offices, museums and, of course, bars, restaurants
§ All traffic lights are equipped with devices that emit sounds to indicate the green or red, for the blind
§ Finally, the Swedes are kind and helpful. For example, the waiters have often helped in the translation of the plates, some people gave us directions on the street without anything asked, or in a room a gentleman told us we could sit at a particular table if we wanted only to drink and was worried tell us where to put our coats ... Only a few small examples to demonstrate that even if you do not show the same warmth of the Latin peoples, known to be very courteous and helpful.
So we found significant differences with Italy and other European countries, the Swedes seem to have "one more gear, at least for public services, which also pay taxes tantissimo having among the highest in Europe. Furthermore, many children have almost all blonde with blue eyes and red cheeks fine for cold weather!). I have never seen so many strollers! Every time we took the bus or subway, at least there was a mom with stroller. Some of us even have two while others have a stroller with a small child and even the belly! It seems that the state facilitates the birth and life of mothers!
Closed parenthesis.
Since there is still only choose to go back to Gamla Stan, because I would like to take some photos in the streets. Sadly I note that even with the sun's internal routes are always dark in this season. The sun is too low to penetrate the historical center, only the high buildings are illuminated. Sin. In return we find the famous Martin Trotzig Grand, alley off only 99 cm! Opportunity that is passing a "typical" Swedish baby to take a picture (unfortunately will be with eyes red ...).
After the 'photo' to enter Chokoladkoppen, Stortorget on the square in Gamla Stan. This restaurant is very small and crowded but it is the second time you try to enter so this time we decide to wait for a table is free. And if a free almost immediately. Here you can take a nice steaming cup of coffee accompanied by a slice (huge) of delicious cake. We discover that it is a local gay but I see that is attended by all. Since entering the main square so many tourists. However, for those interested, the waiter is a beautiful blond, tall and smiling ...
After chatting with two Italian kids who share our table, leave and go up to Historiska Museet, near Karlplan. Even the museum is free. System jackets and backpack in a locker (as the Nordiska Museet) and enter ... After a minute there is a guard that warns us that the museum is to close because they are the 17th We are amazed, we had read that ended with 20, but it is not, we advise that remain open until 20 tomorrow. Ok, we go back, take a backpack and jackets and get out!
We decide to walk and walk down the avenue Strandvägen, that very beautiful and elegant palaces of ancient boats. This time we walk close to the case and we can see the entries more closely: they are beautiful! Can we see some interior as the Swedes do not use long curtains. Well, here is a very elegant and well! This avenue is also a perfect shooting night for the Gamla Stan, there are supports, ideal for the tripod, along the pier.
Before returning to the hotel we stop at Slussen and climb up to Gondolen, a restaurant on the top floor of a building with a glass walkway that rises to 34 m above the road! The view from up there must be very beautiful. Book a table for the evening later tonight while we remain at Södermalm, all'Ostgota Kallaren dinner, another brewery typical lively and where you can sample some very good Swedish specialties. I take back the marinated salmon (each time leading the huge portions!) And meatballs with vegetables and baked potatoes. Nothing sweet tonight, the cake in the afternoon is enough!
However, we return to the hotel on foot ...
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Beautiful dusk in Lidingo...

Today it rains. But I am optimistic and I hope the sun comes out sooner or later during the day. See the Lonely Planet to understand what could go and see today. I believe that we have now seen the main attractions but I would still go and visit the Town Hall. We see that there is a small paragraph on a World Heritage listed cemetery: Skogskyrkogården. Located on the island south of Södermalm and to get there by subway. We calculate that we will do to see it before you go to city hall for 12 hours of guided tour.
It has stopped raining but on the ground is ghiacciatissimo, and Paul falls in fact walking on a plate! Fortunately, there is evil and even the camera in his pocket! The cemetery is huge, built on a small hill, dominated by a chapel of the 800th The tombs are all aligned and surrounded by greenery. Meanwhile the sun is out and gives a very special light to the site. It does not take much to cross it and we want to dwell on each grave, we believe that Greta Garbo is also buried here but I can not see. Return to the subway stop last year (almost one enters on one side and exit from another, just in front of a subway stop). Note that all of the penguins as they walk the streets and some ladies will help one another so as not to fall!
Next destination: Stadshuset, City Hall. Located on the island to the west of Gamla Stan, on the shore of Lake Malaren; reach him by taking the subway and a bus, which leaves us right in front of the beautiful brick building. At first glance looks like a church or a convent, with its tower, its courtyard and the arches that open onto a beautiful view of Södermalm. Guided tours (60 Kr) in the winter you only play at 12, therefore there are lots of tourists waiting, and eventually formed two groups. The guides speak excellent English and ours is very good, tells us many anecdotes, and ironic comments. Visit: The Blue Lounge (which is not really blue, but it's a long story ...) where every year the banquet is held for the Nobel Prizes and where can I feel this way Nobel Prize and the Swedish Royal Family Take the stairs in the ad hoc designed by architect for the avoidance of falls in long dress!, the Hall of the Municipal Council, with a stunning ceiling depicting the roof of a Viking house with exposed beams and a fake sky painted, and the Golden Lounge , great room with walls made a mosaic, composed of 18 million chip cards of glass and gold, seen also in other rooms where I do not remember the name. The visit, however, is very interesting and the council strongly. Unfortunately, the tower is closed and we can not climb to admire the view. We satisfied the view from the garden on the shores of Lake Malaren. Fortunately there is a beautiful blue sky, I will be served to bring something back polarizing filter!
Given the proximity, we try again with a walk in the alleys of Gamla Stan ... And guess, is like the other day in the streets is pretty dark as usual. In any case, it is beautiful, and it is pleasant to walk aimlessly, taking every street there is before our eyes.
Since at this point we have seen almost everything, we decide to go up to Lidingo, the island where the Millesgarden, a garden full of statues Swedish artist Carl Milles. Take the subway to Ropsten and then a train to the shore of the island of Lidingo. There are about 15 and the sun is setting, casting a light on the extraordinary and its houses. This island is home to "Stockholm-Well", a po 'il quartiere "VIP", there are beautiful houses, modern or classic but still very elegant. After ten minutes' walk uphill to reach Millesgarden (75 Kr). The statue (raised on high and narrow square columns) are scattered in the garden perched on the side of the island and from which we enjoy a wonderful sea view and Stockholm. It 'also being one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen: the sky was tinged with pink, purple, orange, yellow, and the clouds seem to be painted. We are alone at this time and it's all very fascinating. I can take beautiful pictures with the statues that fall off the colorful sky. Council this visit at sunset on a beautiful sunny day, because I believe that with a gray sky statues would lose much of their charm. After the visit we take the usual coffee with a slice of cake in the veranda of the bar located in the garden, where we can admire a beautiful starry sky.
Let us return to the metro station by bus and go up to Karlplan. Mission: to be able to visit the Historiska museet now remains open until 20 at least we hope! When we arrive at the foot of it seems to me to have a "déjà vu"! We enter, put jackets and backpack nell'armadietto and enter the section of the Vikings. 17 arrive, no one tells us anything, ok, we did! This section on the Vikings is very interesting and we discover that not only were the warriors, they also fostered a genuine cultural exchange and commodities in Europe. Many items, jewelry, coins, etc. to help get an idea of how they lived. The other sections of the museum are much less attractive, for my tastes. An anecdote, however, revives the visit: in the middle of a hall of medieval art we see emerge a bimbetta Biondissima and pretty with a colorful dress, then get behind her who must be parents ... off for a concert of hard-rock hair dyed blacks, long for both, dressed in black leather but the maximum is written on the shirt of his father: "I am Satan!" While away and continues to bounce bimbetta I can not prevent me from thinking about how to become this little Swedish! (smile)
Past 18 to leave and return to the hotel where we relax for the last time in the jacuzzi!
This evening we are dealing well for dinner, we go to Gondolen (www.eriks.se), which we booked last night. Our table is right in the glass walkway above the vacuum! This place deserves a night, for two reasons: the view and the food delicious! The bill, unfortunately, do not talk ...
However, if you wish, you can even have a drink at the bar, which is also on the catwalk and is frequented by a lot of nice people.
After returning to the hotel ten minutes walk on the avenue from Slussen Stadsgardsleden that winds uphill to the left on the island of Södermalm, with a wonderful view over the city.
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Last day in Stockholm

Weather is awful and I do not know why but this time my sixth sense tells me that will remain so throughout the day ... and it is so! On the one hand makes the departure less ugly. On the other is "hot", there are 10 ° C!
Facciamo un po 'di shopping along the streets of modern, Drottinggatan, Kungsgatan. There are lots of shoe shops, clothes, as well as objects for the home and the luxury shops. There are many sales but almost only for clothing and shoes. There are those boots padded mentioned at the beginning, so nice and I saw him all the girls here, but then in Milan when I put them? And then I have no more room in the suitcase ...
We enter in the NK department store where, however, makes a warm and monstrous is full of people, can not stand it to stay here, and then I suddenly collapses on him an incredible fatigue! Thus, since the hour of departure draws near, take the metro to the hotel where we retrieve your luggage and enjoy a Coca bar in the lobby, watching a bus full of Milanesi arrive. I understand from some signs that this is a premium for travel agents Vorwerk, the Folletto. The hall is suddenly invaded by trolley, luggage, furs and noise. It 'time to escape!
Obviously we were again delayed and eventually take the Arlanda Express in extremis! Part 30 seconds after we entered! The rest is a trivial return trip with Alitalia flight delayed by 45 minutes and the hostess incavolate after "bread strike" in the morning ... Maybe it was better not to have the sandwiches ...

In summary: Stockholm is a beautiful city with a very special tree, scattered on various islands, each corresponding to a neighborhood with character. It 'very nice to go from one island to another, on foot, crossing bridges, or by boat ...
In winter it is very attractive light, very soft, as if they were always four in the afternoon with us. The drawback is that dark very soon due to the 15 already saw the sunset.
Therefore it is necessary to organize, trying to stay out from 9 to 15, and then visit museums or go shopping after dark.
Does not so cold as you can well imagine, and covering the head, feet and hands, you can walk all day without having to escape every fifteen minutes in a bar.
If you are fortunate enough to sleep in a hotel that offers a very rich breakfast will also skip lunch, saving only a few crowns, precious minutes of light!
A drawback to visit Stockholm in the winter is to find some tourist attractions such as castles and museums closed, in addition to certain vessels not sailing this season, even if the sea is not frozen. We must therefore inquire well before you leave what you want to do in order to maximize the available days and not be disappointed. The Stockholm Card is not necessarily convenient.
Council, however, a thorough tour of the capital, which seems small but has much to offer, and it is nice to at least one trip between the islands of the archipelago. If you have the good fortune to see it painted, I think it is even more fascinating ...
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