Studying among Scottish Castles : UNITED KINGDOM

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Studying among Scottish Castles


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Studying among Scottish Castles

Località: Edinburgh
Regione: Scotland
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I spent 4 weeks in Edinburgh to study English through a cultural exchange (Interstudio Travel).
I soggiornarnato at a Scottish family in Edinburgh and studied English all'Edinburgh School of Art with an intensive course (5 hours morning + 3 in the afternoon three times a week). It 'was a very nice because you can live like the locals. Eat with them, more topical issues, learning their customs and habits (some of which will remain for life!). The family was very special with a divorced mother and two very young children
children (8-10 years). Amazing how every weekend changed the boyfriend of her mother!
The house was in the suburbs and going to school (in center) should take a bus and then about 30 minutes journey. The families that host students are mostly in need of money to do this (a few are those who do so for cultural exchange).
Therefore difficult to go in the homes of wealthy gentlemen to the city center. The important thing is that they are clean and decent and that the people are hospitable and pleasant.
She was a hairdresser and often, when I returned home after the lesson, cut hair at home (directly in the kitchen while we ate!)
Excellent school, staff with the mother tongue (of course) who does not speak a word of Italian. There is also the opportunity to know many kids who come from all over Europe. Your agenda will become increasingly full of names and addresses. It 'a beautiful experience and a great feeling of freedom.
In the weekend we did (organized by themselves) as many outings. Scotland is very beautiful and is strongly around the Highlands, Glasgow and Dundee. All easily reached by public transport. The cost, I realize that nn is accessible to all because I paid for 2,200,000 lire, but I believe that now is not enough 2 thousand euros. But if you want to learn English is certainly the best solution.
Good study holiday in Scotland!
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