25°C degrees in London, the capital of United Kingdom : UNITED KINGDOM

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25°C degrees in London, the capital of United Kingdom


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25°C degrees in London, the capital of United Kingdom

Località: London
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London 25 °C
22-04-10 sunny and hot

Despite the chaos created by the volcano, at 11:05 we landed at Stansted airport, on time and on time the driver of the Easy Transfer, Italian, welcomes us with a beautiful smile takes us to the hotel Sidney (in 68 Belgrave Road -76) and during the trip gives us all the tips for visiting London.
London now seems wonderful, but chaotic, everyone goes on the run, on the sidewalks there are rivers of people who go anywhere fast, just like in the movies.
Arriving at the hotel (very nice, simple, small room and bathroom, but ... ... ... .. basic, very clean) we allow ourselves a quick snack and having a nap time to recover from the early rising this morning.
We go out and the first thing we go to visit the Cathedral of Westminster, which is only 600 m. the hotel is very nice, small and intimate, climb the bell tower is worth the sight, that gives us about London.
Then we go through Green Park and Piccadilly Circus to Covent Garden with its many glittering theaters, and then Soho Cinatown teeming with shops and restaurants that look curious, unfortunately, is a work in progress, and then ruin it a bit 'line of sight.
Here we go to Buckingham Palace, beautiful, but we expected something more, we have seen other royal residences better in other European cities, on the other hand looks very colorful and choreographed the square, with flower beds full of colorful tulips and beautiful and decked is the avenue (the mall) which departs from it.
Here we go Trafalguar Square and the National Gallery that we must be content to watch from outside, because it is now closed.
We descend on the metro to buy the Oyster card, the load with a few pounds, this allows us to use various means to get around, but we also walked a lot, because London is easy to explore on foot.
The day can be closed down, for today we have full of wonders, now stop for good and not expensive dinner at Zizzi and then to bed, tomorrow awaits us.

23-04-10 sunny and hot
After a full English breakfast (with juice and toast, who distribute sparingly, more marmellatine different), take the bus n.24 just outside the hotel to go up to Goodge Steet and then the No 390 Notting Hill.
Beautiful district of gleaming white houses, all white with flowering trees, looks like a postcard and instead we are here, here, in place so I could live there, but how will a city full of smog so to keep the houses so clean? Mystery!
Since we are in the area make a trip to see the famous Portobello Market, well better than we expected, is a market like many others, nothing amazing, but in that neighborhood, in a shop at last I find a Moroccan leather backpack, which I was looking for a very long time, the walk is well served.
Crossing the street of the embassy in Kensington Palace and then we come through Hyde Park and given the hours we stop for a good road pizza.
After lunch short visit to Harrods, dear my store, beautiful things, but that price ... .. we still like to see that wherever we find something Italian, even Mantuan just as clothes Corneliani and our delicious deli meats Levo.
In every city we visit, we never lose the visit to the Science Museum, but this is not the best, it could also be avoided.
The day is almost done we sit at a table of Texas Embassy for a dinner dishes for Texas, today is St. George and as our country is party, and the rooms are all filled.
Now we can rest after a shower, see you tomorrow.

24-04-10 sunny and hot

This morning, breakfast is the most rich and grant us with more time, because there are less people.
Usually we go with the No. 24 bus to Westminster Abbey, with many beautiful cloisters and chapels are buried the kings of the Kingdom.
Then we go to Big Ben and Parliament, both beautiful, cross the River Thames on Westminster Bridge along the river just below the London Eye where we take a boat with a mini cruise takes us to the Tower of London, passing under the bridges as the most famous Waterloo , Blackfriars, Southwark, London, and of course the Tower Bridge which is the most famous, but also the most beautiful of all.
We visited all the Tower of London, with its truly magnificent collection of crown jewels.
Under the Tower Bridge is a really cute and characteristic which is called St. Katharine's Dock with boat docks of all types and sizes, of course we stop here for lunch at the River Rouge run by Neapolitans to change and eat Italian.
After lunch visit to St. Paul's Cathedral, a beautiful outside, but inside unadorned, we see the exit of the couple with a lot of Scots in kilts playing the bagpipes accompanying them.
Walker still a bit 'for the city, going to Parliament Square, Victoria Street, stopping here and there to browse the shop windows, stopping to buy English biscuits and tea and then go back to the hotel for a refreshing shower.
But after a short break we are back out looking for a restaurant for dinner, we opt for a choice among so many Scottish restaurant, Scotch Steak House and we enjoy excellent meat, accompanied by happiness chattering of the club owner who speaks pretty good Italian.
Even the last day in London ended. Goodnight London
Wake not soon, breakfast calmly, drizzling today, sorry to leave London and she knows ... ... ... we were very good, we saw beautiful places, ate very well known people who have put us at ease, trying to speak Italian, enjoyed warm and sunny days, and think that we were told that in London we would have starved and spent fortunes, we got lots of rain, we would find it hard to understand us ... ... ... ... none of this, I would say that we were really lucky and my husband and my son Diego Luciano who accompanied me almost reluctantly, they changed their minds, almost, almost sorry to them again so soon, but maybe we will come back to see other wonders that we have not had time to visit.
At 11:00 comes the Easy Transfer that takes us back to the airport with some difficulty, because today is the day of the marathon and then there is much confusion and several deviations, the sun returns to show up and leave London at 14.00 on time.
Good Bye London
Graziella, Luciano, Diego


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