The road to Syria and Jordan. Motorhome trip to the Middle East. Part 4, Jordan : JORDAN

Carlo : middle east : jordan : jerash, ajlun, amman, kharana castle, amra castle, al-azraq, mabata, wadi musa, petra, little petra, aqaba, wadi rum is an exciting traveller community of the world

Travel review JORDAN JORDAN
The road to Syria and Jordan. Motorhome trip to the Middle East. Part 4, Jordan

Jerash, Ajlun, Amman, Kharana Castle, Amra Castle, Al-Azraq, Mabata, Wadi Musa, Petra, Little Petra, Aqaba, Wadi Rum

Giordania - Jerash - Parcheggio
Giordania - Jerash - Parcheggio
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The road to Syria and Jordan. Motorhome trip to the Middle East. Part 4, Jordan

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This trip was not to be done. This year Tina, my wife had a big problem with the teeth, operations, medications and a variety of applications, so a problem that had lasted over time and with a substantial cost. The dentist came to my aid, and between a transaction and another had to spend at least 60 days, just long enough to make this trip by his friend Lawrence asked about the Desert Club last minute Tina has agreed to place, and we started.
The trip, departing from Ancona April 30 begins with a ferry that will take us to Patras and from there, through Greece and Turkey will reach Syria and then Jordan, our main goals. In return, the crossing will be shipping from Cesme in Turkey with more landing in Ancona on May 10 and then journey's end.

These are our costs of travel:

Medicines and vaccines € 162
Maps and guide € 61
Mechanical preparation camper € 290
Phone € 50
Food € 548
Fuel € 944
Tipping € 65
Highway € 55
Entry sites and museums € 160
Parking € 32
Stamp passports € 80
Souvenir € 255
Restaurant € 455
Newspapers € 40
Bar € 60

Total € 3237

Quota Club Desert ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... .... € 3133

Total ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... € 6370


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Jerash – Excavations parking area

Today is a day of customs and outside the city of Bosra meet the guide replaces Saman, because he has a demanding very important: the communion of the child. This feast of family prevents him from following us but we find ourselves to our return to Syria.
Syrian customs is crossed quickly enough, unfortunately, that leaves us only to Jordanian 14.30. Nael know, the Jordanian leadership. Tell us that a cop follow us throughout the journey. It 'just as a precaution because in recent times the fuel and basic necessities have increased in price considerably, and therefore are afraid of riots. None of this makes us very happy ... .. hope for the best.
Entering the Jordanian territory, we immediately notice a change: improved road signs, roadways and many homes have ordered more sides painted white or covered with marble. The hills are pretty bare with a few houses here and there, slopes with olive groves in a soil-colored brick. Even the cars seem to come across more current than seen in Syrian territory. All this suggests that a better standard of living.
We head to Jerash, where we park in the excavations, near a very noisy street.
Here the heat is stifling and unlike Syria, where we lit the stove at night, here you need air conditioning. Sketch is the one that suffers most remained firm with his mouth wide open. We apologize to the neighbors for the noise and turn it on for a short time the generator and air conditioner, in order to make a little 'fresh environment.
Tomorrow morning visit to the ruins of Jerash.
Tina calls a night, the No. 1. Cook him spaghetti sauce. This news makes the rounds in a short between icamperisti and many more are added and as has happened many times in previous trips, has taken a long table and ate everything and more fun.
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Jerash – Excavations parking area

At 8:30, with Nael head, you can visit the ruins and excavations of the ancient city of Jerash. In our opinion, is one of the most fascinating parts of Jordan (Petra we have not seen yet), so as to merit the appellation of "Pompeii of the East". Very interesting is the large hole, the oval square with the superb colonnades, the temples of Zeus and Artemis, the triumphal arch of Hadrian, the hippodrome, baths, great walls, the three Byzantine churches, the two theaters , major streets (cardo) with fine columns paved with limestone blocks. This archaeological site is vast and very interesting. The guide is clear in his explanations, but not very persuasive, repeats the lesson by heart a voice with no expression and many yawn. Saman was much more clever and captivating.
At lunchtime we are almost all the restaurant site, a fairly self service provided. In addition to various creams for starters, there is rice with mutton, very soft, chicken stew, and even with a good spaghetti sauce is not clearly defined (who has eaten them said they were good). a beer and a cola for 21 dr (20 euros).
At 15, you depart for a visit to the Castle Qala'at ar-Rabadi. Always with the tourist police on the camper No. 1 and the police cars that escorted us and blocking traffic as we passed. The road is pretty smooth but with a slope very strong. At certain points I had to put the first and go at a crawl. The car park of the castle is very narrow, but after several moves we settled. The visit to this castle there satisfies penalties incurred to get there. It 'very nice and well preserved, although in the south are still working. This impressive castle is situated 2 km outside the town and is accessible by a road alerts the last section presents a steep slope without significant problems. The Arab castle built in 1184 by a general of Saladin is located at 1250 mt. high on the mountain and from where you can enjoy a beautiful view: to the west towards the Jordan Valley, south and east of the river Zerqa to Jerasa. Rose to defend the caravan routes and the Crusaders against the attacks that they launched on the route between Damascus and Jerusalem. It was destroyed by the Mongols during their invasion in 1260 and rebuilt by the Mamluks that they provided it with another round of walls on top of which accommodate a company of pigeons. Very nice walk in the castle with arched colonnades, carved into the rock.
Come back to the parking lot it was a race to the toilet to download and make our water supply. Unfortunately they were very far from the camper and I had to fill the buckets to carry water from the decant tanks. With the stock we have been able to take a refreshing shower.
Experienced with others in the group that this trip has gone far with regard to saving the stops without electrical connections and water supply.
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Amman – Citadel parking area

Departure 9:00 am, a little late in my opinion. It is very hot and travel in the late hours of the morning is stressful. Always with the escort of police cars, which alternate every town, we come to the capital. From a distance you can see the flag of Jordan's largest (30 mt. X 15), four colors, which arise from different communities. On the left a star, which commemorates the first Sura in the first verses of the Koran.
Before reaching the parking lot, is fueling what we have need of a big supermarket modern and well equipped. We found even the cans to sketch, abbuffino as it has almost finished the escort. In addition to fruits and vegetables was the beautiful fish. We bought a big, coming from Saudi Arabia. Cleaned and filleted the fact we put in the freezer while the other half will end up in the oven tonight.
This morning before leaving a regrettable fact happened. The No. 1 opened the discharge of gray water in parking. Upon arrival at the place of rest had asked all the utmost cleanliness and discretion and he himself did not comply with the deliveries. Yesterday before leaving the car park had opened the valves, but we thought it was a mistake or a failure.
Take the road and a traffic chaos arrive in Amman.
In ancient greek and Roman times, Amman was called Philadelphia, named after the Roman emperor Philadelphus. It was previously known by the name of Rabbah of the Ammonites.
For the rest we stop along the road leading to the Citadel, in perfect single file. While everyone was already having lunch, the order came to move and enter into a dirt road within the excavations. The No. 1 for first contacts and almost everyone does U-turn to join them too. Countermanding warns us that we can not stay in that square and then must return to the place early. Shortly after comes a policeman with a fax in his hand is the permission that allows us to stay for the night in that area. New inevitable maneuver with various grunts. Not being able to turn the air conditioner so as not to annoy the neighbors would leave all the windows in order to make the afternoon nap.
In the afternoon at 14.30 (we could not go later ???....) with a scorching sun, we visited the Citadel and the National Museum next door. Nothing interesting, we found many ruins and what remains has been restored by archaeologists and technical Spanish.
Meanwhile sketch he was in camper with air conditioning, I envied a lot.
Tina with other friends down to the city visiting the Roman Theater, restored, built in the second century AD while I'm content to see it and photograph it from above. It can accommodate up to 6000 people and was housed in the side of a hill previously used as a necropolis.
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Al Azrad – Restaurant parking

Partenza ore 8.30 sempre con la scorta della macchina della polizia. Oggi si visitano i castelli nel deserto
Iniziamo col Castello di Al Mushatta. Doveva essere il più imponente dei castelli degli Omayyadi, ma non fu mai portato a termine. Oggi si presenta come un quadrato possente con il lato di 144 metri e mura protette da 23 torri per lato. Purtroppo lo troviamo molto rovinato e incompleto, perché oltretutto è stato privato delle sculture che lo decoravano, che per la maggior parte furono donate all’imperatore Guglielmo II dal sultano turco durante la prima guerra mondiale.
Sulla nuova strada del deserto, che ritorna verso la capitale, incontriamo il Castello di Amra, singolare costruzione complessa, originale per i caratteristici tetti a volta a cui si accompagna un adiacente bagno turco. Fu un padiglione di caccia degli Omayyadi, del secolo VIII e all’interno ci sono pitture murali un po’ deteriorate. Una rappresenta 4 personaggi illustri, forse nemici dei califfi e cioè il re visigoto Rodrigo, l’imperatore persiano, il negus abissino e l’imperatore di Bisanzio, come attestano le scritte in arabo e in greco del dipinto stesso. In un’altra sono raffigurate scene di caccia con cani, dame che fanno il bagno, re, danzatrici, rappresentazioni allegoriche della vittoria, della filosofia e della poesia e infine scene di varie attività domestiche. La piccola stanza a cupola era un bagno turco, con il vapore e le panche per sedersi. Interessante la mappa del cielo in cui sono rappresentate le costellazioni dello Zodiaco.
Ci incamminiamo verso il Castello di Azraq. Situato al margine dell’oasi, è celebre per aver ospitato il quartier generale di Lawrence d’Arabia quando nell’inverno del 1917 si fermò per riorganizzare le poche forze arabe che aveva al seguito, in previsione dell’attacco decisivo ad Aqaba contro le forze turche che la occupavano. All’inizio il castello era un forte nabateo e forse prima ancora romano, poi venne risistemato nel XIII secolo in questa sua attuale forma. Le pietre di basalto nero con cui è stato costruito gli conferiscono un aspetto un po’ tetro. L’originale porta che chiude l’accesso meridionale del fortino è costituita da un’unica pesante lastra di pietra ma è così bilanciata sui cardini che il custode riesce a chiuderla con un solo dito, invitando i turisti a fare altrettanto. Il primo piano è fatto di stanze non eleganti ma solide. Sul cortile si affacciano le scuderie, i magazzini e anche una piccola e semplice moschea.
Per la sosta notturna ci sistemiamo presso il ristorante Azrap, con allacciamento di corrente e rifornimento d’acqua.
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Mabata – Unpaved parking in town

Salute Amman already gilded by the sun and head towards the Dead Sea. The road runs along the Great Depression, to the shores of this inland sea high price placed at 395 mt. below sea level, beyond which, if there had been mist, we could also see Jerusalem. It 'a sea virtually no outlet and therefore the terminal because for thousands of years has received the waters of the Jordan River and other small waterways. The degree of salinity, due to components of salts and minerals, is higher than that of the oceans and prevent all forms of life other than microbes, algae and one species of shrimp.
Coming from Amman on the road a stone indicates "Sea Level", but the Dead Sea itself can be reached only after a further 400 meters down. from this signal, which planned a brief stop for photos of ritual.
We arrived at Amman Beach, the beach where tourists can bathe and emotions aroused by natural buoyancy.
Almost everyone in costume ready for the test of a bathroom.
The group is thrown into the water but they just float on their backs to avoid any water contact with eyes, a burning pain in hell. I have taken an old newspaper for the photo: sitting in water while I read the newspaper. The original idea could not fail to be quickly copied.
Continuing our day going to visit Mount Nebo, a place sacred to the Christian religion. From this mountain, God showed Moses the Promised Land aware that he would never have reached. It was on this mountain, Moses had his appointment with death and was buried there always here, even if you do not know the exact place of his burial. From this mountain you can enjoy an excellent view of the Promised Land, from Jerusalem (just 50 km away) in Bethlehem, Jericho from the Dead Sea, and still Hebron, Ramallah, Nablus. Beneath stands a monument depicting a stylized cross, around which a snake that climbs symbolizes Jesus' death on the cross and the serpent that Moses lifted up in the desert. Visit is the museum, inside of which are preserved and beautiful mosaics including one with scenes of hunting and another with a gazelle in pomegranates. Inside there are also photographs of the visit that made John Paul II in 2000. Unfortunately, the Basilica is closed for renovations and is impossible to visit.
Before leaving the parking lot, we realize that the No. 1 has a flat tire. Now the team spoke of early intervention. Sofian, I and my wrench, used by all the unfortunates who have had punctures, promptly change the flat tire and again.
Along the way, we stop in a mosaic workshop, run by a gentleman who is fluent in several languages, but not Italian. Lorenzo will be the interpreter translating from French. Also this place was recommended by the No. 1 and all buy something. Sells really good things, the mosaics are beautiful but very expensive. At No. 1 the owner makes a gift to the mosaic plaque with the inscription "Desert Club.
We continue our journey to reach Madaba, which lies about 35 Km from Amman, and has a height of 730 meters. above sea level, passing through the famous King's Road, the road of kings, an old track of 5,000 years ago in Jordanian territory. This road layout that complies with the geological formation of the territory, reached an extraordinary importance in the days of the caravan when, along with camels and horses passed through spices, perfumes, sugar, cotton from India and even silks from China.
We park in a dirt plaza near the police station. Once placed along the roadside, the officer moves us in the square, so as to be out of range of any stone-throwing by some kids who do not look at us favorably.
After dinner, a walk on foot to see and photograph a beautiful mosque, only from the outside as it is forbidden to enter.
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Wadi Musa (Moses Valley)

In the morning we visit the greek-orthodox church of S. Giorgio inside of which is preserved the more famous Madaba mosaic that represents the map of Palestine that goes from north to Egypt under Tyros to the south and west from the Mediterranean to the Jordan to the east. The purpose for which it was created was to give information to the pilgrims who went to the Holy Land.
You should visit the fortress of Kerak, but the last, to tell us that we must go through a market and 17 campers on the march would cause turmoil and hardship is all 'environment and the population.
We're back to Petra, a road with steep climbs and descents on which put a strain on the drivers and brakes. At certain points I included the "crawlers" so it was hard to climb.
During the day, using the few minutes of rest or relaxation, I made two pies and baked for the birthday of George the No. 6 and the wedding anniversary (40 years) of Ezio and crew Magda No. 8.
Arrived in Wadi Musa, the Valley of Moses, we arrange the courtyard of the Hotel Al-Alambad, where we find only four sockets my precious pins and double-spine are very useful to connect more to the same power while the campers' Water is provided by a long tube that comes down from the roof of the hotel.
After celebrating the anniversaries, me, Tina and a few others, pull out the tables and fabulous taste of spaghetti with garlic, oil and chilli, and as usual many other good things, washed down with my bottle of Coca-Cola, where I made good Refosco.
As they dined in the company, I gave a tip to the kids because I did full of water. They took a tip, but I will realize later, was not fully done.
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Wadi Musa

8 o'clock. 2 buses and a taxi, making two trips, we bring the entrance to the archaeological site of Petra. It is very hot and entering new: tell us that we must pay, on pair fee of 20 euro as their horses, so called because it is given to the nomadic population residing in the area moved to free up the site, giving them the opportunity to provide and use horses, mules, camels and carriages that carry tourists to pay in the gorges of Petra. Figure does not, and that any thought overall as already paid. The No. 1 says that it is a last-minute charge, so unexpected, but we will know then that has been in place since 1995.
Petra, which was declared by UNESCO "World Heritage" is a place that everyone should see as documentaries, films and stories of travelers, and they say they do not write what the eye perceives in this splendor of architecture and work of these artists in sculpting these mountains of sandstone that with the inclusion of various ferrous metals have layered colors ranging from white to pink to brown or black. A strenuous walk in the blazing sun. For every monument carved, Nael stops and says, with his sing-song, the origins and history of these great tombs or houses.
The Palace of the Treasury, the great temple-tomb of King Aretas is something amazing. And 'one of the finest monuments of Petra and the ancient world
At 13 ends the visit, the group is tired and fatigued. There is divided into two restaurants and other eating from the bag. Us in a self-service for 32 dinars where we ate well.
In the return under a blinding sun, rest in the shade of a big tree is a plant of pistachios, a plaque says that 450 years.
Who wanted, in the afternoon, climbing stairs 600/800, could reach other destinations to visit. Tina and I have preferred to return for the appointment of 17:30 at the gates of entry. Arriving early, we and another couple, we took a taxi and we returned to the camper not before he had changed some money at a bank near the entrance of the site.
Hot, we took a shower at the hotel services that our host, without using the water from the camper. I realized today that I got a nice sunburn behind, maybe I will have problems in bed.
At 17 the No. 1 brings us together, not all, for a change in plans. Tomorrow morning there will be a half day off, but leave immediately for the little Petra and then to Aqaba. Being in more than half a day at sea like, but many of us had planned to go to town to refuel or otherwise. We understood then the reason for this variation on the program: 21 campers came from another club and the place, already close to us, had become un'ammucchiata resources, unmanageable. This detail has created discontent among our group, especially those who had not had water supply planning to do on arrival the next day.
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Aqaba – Camping Aqaba Marine Park

Departure at 8. Varied according to the program you go to visit Little Petra, a site on Petra, very similar, very small, but it deserves to be seen.
After the start, stop and supply of diesel into a distributor where the No. 16 last night in solitary, had refueling. They had 2 dinar spent fuel and have demanded 20. Backed by the police of Commons demanded a refund and the whole debate is over and nothing more. This teaches us that Arabic does not steal but you can just cares so be careful especially in the various accounts or the remains of a payment.
Today Sofian has boasted of having done a nice turkish bath with massage in the hotel restaurant our host. I think the No. 1 there could warn of this possibility.
During this visit I was stuck on the camera. Unfortunately there is a lot of dust and sand and a few fragments was inserted in the command in step .... patience will use the old one, has much less resolution and quality but at least I can photograph these wonders.
Take the road of kings, reaching 1650 meters above sea level. Consider that the highest mountain in Jordan is high just over 1800 meters. We find a road with many ups and downs, curves and counter but with spectacular scenery and then return to a beautiful highway.
At 13, after passing along the famous railroad Laurence d 'Arabia, we come to Aqaba. After the port, along the sea, we find our campsite: l 'Aqaba Marine Park ( The top spot is not bad, we arrange, but we quickly realize a strong wind that will take us up to late. Are 22 and is still there. The No. 1 tells us that at 17 there will be an electrical connection and water supply. After lunch and the rest will have to go to the beach. We find umbrellas with an iron pole 12 cm in diameter supporting a thatched roof, the only shelter from the sun, swimming in the water moved by the wind and restaurateurs feared the curls from No. 1 are not there, someone is nearby for large stones, but hardly walkable in return there are many silver fish and blacks.
17 to see if there is movement for the various supplies, but all is silent and continue my work to repair several campers: They are small things but necessary for the peaceful continuation of the journey. After 18 I felt that No. 1 is doing the water supply, so I moved because of my position and in that d 'is impossible to get to the other hose. I supply provided by lengthening the tube with my camp while others are preparing for the filling of the tanks. At 19 in charge of close to half filling n ° 11, because it's finished his work hours. Very pissed hopefully continue tomorrow night with the No. 1 which is not involved in our defense. He has made full and does not care if others fail to do so. For the electrical connection, there are only 4 sockets very close, with the usual castles of thorns and double plugs were unable to connect everyone.
Before writing my daily diary, I tried to disassemble the camera and clean it from the sand. I've probably taken some grain to the right place because now it works and I will continue to make photographs with my faithful machine.
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Aqaba – Camping Aqaba Marine Park

After a night where the wind has never ceased to be felt, at 8.30 Sofian awakens us to tell us that a bus at 9.30, the price of 5 dinars cd, will lead us to Aqaba, an important port for Jordan and neighboring countries. This country has only 27 km of coastline, from the camp, there are only 8 km to Saudi Arabia, Israel is facing and to the right of Egypt, while at night you can see the city lit up beyond the bay.
After a tour along the coastal road and a visit from outside the fort, a bad way though renovated, we stop at a pizzeria for a cool drink waiting for the bus for the return we expect the place of arrival to 13.30. Before going to the appointment using a market where we supply fruits and vegetables and 6 bottles of water.
After lunch and a nap followed by a refreshing swim and on refreshing shower I am going to tell what has happened today.
Came two huge trailers pulled by two super jeep and a camper American. Israeli tourists are but with Jordanian license plate that previously did matter for us as we camped (they had plenty of room to keep them too far the largest), then they switched on their air conditioners, two each for caravans and three for the camper . Since all seven very powerful, have blown up the control unit. The owner of the camper has sparked angry and left half the rocket destroyed a plant, but this was not enough because the power is restored. Consumption of the trailer was still excessive, but then everything worked regularly, the newcomers will probably agree to reduce the power of their condition.
The No. 5 notices to have a flat tire and the emergency was immediately changed.
With a sudden change in plans Bedouin dinner was canceled. This would be an evening meal of fish in a restaurant nearby this evening at 20. All in all I prefer this solution, with the wind that pulls these parts, is not beautiful nor healthy eating in the sand. Unfortunately someone is not welcome this approach because it believed more folkloric dinner Bedouin Dinner fish will be reduced to two fish then burnt with the usual vegetables!!
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Wadi Rum – Camping

Transfer day, begins the desert region, and at one point, parallel to the road we are traveling, there is a railway where a train passes by many wagons loaded with phosphates. This is the railway built by the Ottomans to transport the faithful to Mecca, at least this was the official justification, in truth she was born to carry troops. Laurence of Arabia 's attacked and destroyed. In a valley where the railway makes a curve, the guide showed us the exact spot of the attack.
To reach the camp you leave the paved road and there you forward in a track. The No. 1 advises us not to leave the track for not cover it up. Despite this advice, the No. 16 with his 4x4 has fun and frolicking in the back and forth off the track, thanks to its four wheel drive.
The much longed-for camp comes down in an open space without electricity or water and for those who want to shower at the bar will have to pay € 2.50 per No. 1. Some, in arranging their camper, they are sunk in the sand and only the power of No. 16 has been able to liberate them.
Nael around 18 invites us to go with him to watch the sunset. Take us into an enchanting place, where those who wish, may use the camel for the transfer. Only three use them, while the majority reaches the observation post with a long and arduous journey in the sand. It 'really beautiful and spectacular but unfortunately there is mist and the sun setting is not clearly visible, the colors are blurred, so reluctantly, we return to our campers in the same way the first leg.
For dinner we decided to have it all together. There are almost everyone and a long table welcomes the hungry campers. As usual the lockers and refrigerators out of everything and more, and what must be a simple dinner becomes a big blowout.
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Wadi Rum

Today a visit to Wadi Rum, but Tina does not like and remains in camper with sketch. Almost everyone involved and therefore remain isolated. Will have the advantage of being able to turn the air conditioner undisturbed without bothering the neighbors.
With 5 campers reach the entrance of the site where we expect the pick-up, very old and ruined. I am single, and two other couples, we sit in the back on benches covered with filthy pillows. It starts between the various bumps and traveling in single file and at times, alternating on different tracks. The spectacle of the desert and the mountains is fantastic, it's not just sand, trees and stones, the colors change, ranging from white to yellow to brown to purple and black. Some of us are painters, and this type of sand of different colors can be very useful and with bags or empty bottles make it cornered. We stop at various points, where Nael explains the history of graffiti and the water wells built by Bedouins in the time of the caravans.
The sun is very strong and is just a shelter in the shade while everyone rushes the bravest climb on dunes and descend barefoot running, partly because the sand is burning.
In return, the words of Tina, looked like veterans of the Great War: twisted, flushed with a pitch tired. I had already stopped in town to drink something cool, but just entered the camper, I stuck to mineral water bottle and I drank almost half.
A shower has solved the problems of heat.
This evening was celebrated birthday No. 5, with the whole group gathered under the awning of the Bedouins. We toasted with sparkling wine, doves, various cakes and sweets.
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Jerash – Excavations parking area

Today day of transfer. Leaving the dusty car park of Wadi Rum and return to Syria. Let us take the two-lane highway sections with good times but, mostly, with depressions that put a strain on the suspension of our means. It is very hot and even the air conditioning is not very effective. Sketch is the one that suffers most. At 13, stop at the dealer recommended by No. 1, with refueling and visit the gift shop. Given that there are services (smelly), I take the opportunity to make provision of water, immediately followed by others. You switch back from the busy ring road to Amman and then to a winding road, we finally reached the parking lot of the archaeological site of Jerash, where there are other campers Italians. We walked with them for an overnight stop, and we have dinner alone on the sidewalk.
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Damascus – New Kaboun Camping – Gps N 33° 31,781 E 36° 21,889

Depart 8 am, taking the road back. This evening we will be in Damascus, we hope to finish this time in a beautiful campground.
Before the border, supplies oil to Syria because we do not know when we will find another fuel. He spent the last Syrian pounds in a yard full of shops. Unfortunately at the time of departure, the No. 2 have the unexpected inclusion of the alarm that prevents him from setting in motion (probably the engine has cooled and has unlocked the unit) but after several attempts, the engine turns on.
Now we are in Al-Ramtha on the border with Syria and we are waiting for the bureaucracy, as in all the customs, we must continue on.
Finally, at 16, officially re-enter Syria. Saman but we do not review a new guide named Aziz. We head to Damascus on a beautiful highway with good bottom. Before the city, we stop for expenditures in a supermarket: the Town Center. Toviamo all, as we have in Italy. Fill the refrigerator off again to reach the campsite. After several miles, the No. 1 admits he had the wrong road. It makes U-turn and returns to Damascus (10 km, but said he had already done this around 11 times ????). Finally we arrive at the parking lot where we remain disappointed at the beginning. We entered a narrow street that looks like a rubbish dump where we find the great sign "Camping". We enter a gate and we are surprised. It 'a large lawn with plants, there are already two camper with open canopy and people lying comfortably in the sun. A little 'luck finally. Wishful thinking because our space is very limited: three feet between a camper and another where open windows without touching a problem. General disappointment while someone sketches a critique that is immediately silenced by the No. 1 thing that I believe that right and that's okay.
For tomorrow, we do not know what will. Tina, the most brazen of the group, takes courage and must consult the No. 1 for the time of the bus. Answer: from 8.30 to 8.45. As you dine? Answer: He will take the kebab, devil take the hindmost. We probably we'll sandwiches.

To be continued on:
The road to Syria and Jordan. Motorhome trip to the Middle East. Part 3, Syria
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