An amazing different trip in the Amazon : Alter do Chão, Brazil : BRAZIL is an exciting traveller community of the world

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An amazing different trip in the Amazon : Alter do Chão, Brazil

Alter do Chão

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An amazing different trip in the Amazon : Alter do Chão, Brazil

Località: Alter do Chão
Stato: BRAZIL (BR)
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Finally I arrived in the Amazon. A destination that is all the way that dream, even to tell the truth all his life. And here I am, only with plenty of choice on how to exploit these opportunities in a vast forest area. The project "The journey of music" in the forest there came several times to visit several indigenous communities that are increasingly being threatened by the haim "modern civilization".
But one day I forgot and Indian music and I took two days to visit one of the most beautiful I have ever seen in my life: Alter-do-Chão, located 30 miles from Santarem (major city of the state of Pará in Brazil halfway between Manaus and Belem in the Amazon).

The small town has the name of Caribe Amazonia and can assure you that there is no trace of exaggeration. Tapaje a bend in the river forms a beautiful lake of green water (Green Lake) with trees and vegetation sprouting from the water and the Amazon of the incredible white sandy beaches between the months of June and January emerge into the open in the middle of the lake and can reach up to 2 Reales with the little boats with oars. The islets are equipped with the shacks that offer good fish for 10 Reales (less than 5 euri).

At night asking for a transition to some boatman night owl you can sleep in a hammock islands deserted, illuminated only by moonlight. Unforgettable experience lulled to sleep by the sound of the microwave (not in electronic sense of the term, but referring to size) of lago.Poi during the day you can choose from short excursions by boat (you do not pay more than 25 reales) to know the Igarapava, the forest flooded the lake where you see the famous pink dolphins (no need to take drugs) and a thousand other proposals.

Referring to some agency or you can opt for an excursion of some days in the middle of the Amazon Forest. Eye because the same routes offered by agencies from many posadas are offered at prices much cheaper (up to 70 per 100).

The most economic advice: the walk to the top of the only hill you can see the horizon of Alter-do-Chão. A walk of a convenient time that allows a breathtaking view of the world's most famous forest.
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