Journal of a not only stupidly touristic journey in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil : BRAZIL

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Travel review BRAZIL BRAZIL
Journal of a not only stupidly touristic journey in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

Salvador, Itaparica, Rio Paraguaçu

Il nostro gruppo in Praca da Se'  con Gonzalinho ( di spalle) a fare da cicerone
Il nostro gruppo in Praca da Se' con Gonzalinho ( di spalle) a fare da cicerone
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Journal of a not only stupidly touristic journey in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

Località: Salvador, Itaparica, Rio Paraguaçu
Regione: Bahia
Stato: BRAZIL (BR)
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Nothing operators, we leave on his own, there are four, I, his son Patrick, and two friends, Xerxes and Amalia. The program is to stay two months, until 27 September. We are guests in the house in Salvador Pereira, therefore the budget is reduced merely to a share of consumer expenditure and some presents to patients far too kind and guests.


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We leave under bad omens. A month before departure, on 06/01/2009, there is the terrible crash of Air France flight 447. Patrick and 'increasingly' terrified by 'idea of air travel soon, to go and even more' to return, which will take place 'almost entirely at night, as the fateful flight 447.
From the site “Vida do turista” :"It seems that the Brazilian aviation will have no truce with respect to air disasters:
in less than three years have been three air disasters, starting days 09/29/2006 with the air disaster in GOL Flight 1907 (a Gol Boeing 154 in the Amazon rainforest left dead), and with the day 17/07/2007 the air disaster in the TAM flight 3054 (a TAM Airbus A320 killed the 187 occupants and 12 more people who were on the ground when the aircraft left the runway of Congonhas airport and slammed into a building) and now that day in 2001 / 6.9 with the air disaster in the Air France flight 447., The day 23 May 2009 inoltre a King Air B350 private plane crashed in the State of Bahia and the fourteen people on board died. "
Comment on 'last plane crash in a blog"pilot": "These things can not happen! The planes of certain companies by economic criteria does not even move away from extreme weather conditions and this was put up there, an irresponsible manner and was destroyed. We must respect people. ".
Basically he argues that, while not deviating from the predetermined route, which would cause delays and other economic consequences, these pilots are to slip straight into terrible tropical storms, with the consequences! There is really that afraid to travel, if all this were true (and I fear it is)!

The arrival in Salvador, after a flight "still" cruising for 8 hours and forty minutes from Lisbon (the first thing you notice only the palm trees - plant beloved for its perfect aesthetic form - that surround 1'aeroporto, the first distinct impression of Africa which gives us', Brazil), is in indescribable confusion of relatives of different generations, that fatigue of the journey does not allow us to appreciate as it deserves. There are of course everyone else should expand the terminal, being a sort of corps.
In all, considering their relatives in Europe and around the world, the clan Pereira De Jesus consists of 12 general (brothers and sisters of a woman Golden, our gentle host), an unknown number of colonels - child ( including twins Berg and Golden Aurimar woman, who has baked all twelve and a battalion of 22 grandchildren, "officers" (many illicit unions, from which the other little ones).
Shortly after the family home in the barrio Liberdade, overlooking a ravine that slopes gently toward the sea, populations and nations, so devoid of ostentation to 'outside the brick without a trace of plaster - but the homes for sale ~ tin roofs (inside, conversely, almost by contrast, the houses have all the usual features bourgeois), in Rua General Salvaget (yet another general felon commemorated in a country that has long suffered under the heel of a military regime ~ 1964 - 1985 ~, and which provides for tradition and mentality still 'too much attention to uniforms and insignia, as notes and derides Jorge Amado in his "Uniform, Frac and nightgowns, and as confirmed by the numerous busts highly decorated soldiers around the parks of the city ') is filled to capacity with people around a dinner table full seafood buffet.
The application and 'how does this whole mass of relatives and kin to remain cohesive and united cosi'apparentemente, without friction, arguments, quarrels? The only concrete as possible and 'mutual affection, which here seems to rise to a level - I would say - idelogico, and a strong idea of the family broadly defined as an organic whole, compact and smooth, a kind of Macedonian phalanx, unassailable from outside and inside: everyone puts aside grievances on behalf of a greater good, the unita'del clan. Otherwise, it would be a cataclysm general view also the number 'of the family. Of course the very nature tends to help these people happy, their almost permanent good mood (even if the question is - more cheallegri - we just "Maluccio, that is insane, clan and all Bahian Pereira, seeing the sun peak 365 days a year, the industrial quantities of cerveza who swallowed the loud music that connotes their days, the strong coffee that never fails in thermos of home, and not least the consumption of crack, the drug of the poor, who also seems to have a part in making so petulant and aggressive street children that we would address everywhere complain about the various troubles and needs, etc.: a real misfortune, but also a hazard because they attract even more tourists to the attention of the most attackers).

These people have recently suffered serious mourning: a brother of woman Aurea, Gonzalo, at sixty-five killed in his shop far from Salvador by a young robber, who in turn was murdered in prison. Leaves three children by two different women, two (Kaka and Gonzalinho) from the first - Zelia - now elderly, one by his second wife, young, living in a far sertao Cansacao (consolidated habit in this context dominated by machismo, giving a kick in the ass to his wife - though by no means old - to take one more 'young. I know a guy who abandoned his wife thirty-five twenty-five, a shop of way to freedom, to take a wife of eighteen: and not' certainly an isolated case, indeed). Then in dramatic succession, two daughters are still young woman Aurea Aneaurea, the eldest (49 years), then Tucci (41 years), for the first stroke, second heart attack. It will not be 'that the diet of these people, too much protein, beans, meat churrasco, etc.. Despite the amount 'and variety' of fruit and vegetables of all kinds and forms had an influence on this early deaths?

The arrival of Amalia (sister of Lady Aurea) with her "boyfriend" Italian (who accompany us on the journey) urges all the numerous relatives to complete the visit at home or at least telephone contact. In the latter case, usually the standard approach and 'the following: "Hello, my hirmao, its a great tristeza foi falta no corazao my!"

He also said the house-emblem for his part in this land of contradictions: on one hand the magnificent view over the bay, on the other side facing the unwatchable on a kind of path riddled by favela.
This is the irreducible dualism connoted more evident in this city: the scrape between extreme poverty and wealth, beauty and decay in the first place (Brazil is in seventh place in the list of countries where wealth is distributed worse), which seeks to sublimate nell'llusione swaying to live in paradise on earth, in the "country do alone" forever (in one of the rainiest cities in Brazil), country music and of joy, as if all the serious problems throughout Brazil here magically disappear.
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A fact of bloodshed and violence unheard of in the newspaper I read today "Tarde" coming out in Salvador. Unheard of for me because the protagonists are both policemen, one military police, civilian police each other, because there is no apparent motive, because it shows the ease with which very impressive here in Brazil can take the life of someone mesmo between those who should be law-abiding, a lieutenant in the PM, in the grip of some kind of nonsense, firing three shots of the weapon in order on a civil policeman during a seemingly routine check in a room of a central square Salvador, by the way - the victim - that falls like a crucified Christ, murmuring: "Porque isso? .
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First visit to Pelourinho.
The golden church of San Francesco in the historical center of Salvador (in Terreiro de Jesus) and 'unrecognizable to me, like this square and the entire historic center, compared with postcards that I have, recalling an image comparable to that of old Cuba . It is the fruit of the renovation began in the nineties.
History: In 1991, together with a massive state investment in security installation and financing of hotels, restaurants, escolas de dança e outras artes, you start a major restoration of the buildings in the Pelourinho. In reality, 'some constructions were not retrieved internally to focus on the facades, even perche'lo internal state of some houses will prevent an accurate reconstruction. With the restoration increases the domestic and foreign tourists, the obvious goal of restoration, but at the same time the people (poor) of these homes are deported without any respect for their needs in other bairros Salvador.
Adailton (my guardian angel) reminds me of what happened then shocked, then takes me Praca da If 'to comment on the story of the African Zumbo represented here (we are in the middle' of the seventeenth century) and his rebellion against slavery 'and the his persecutors - Portuguese and Dutch coalition together for once - with effective guerrilla tactics, usually until one of his betrayal of him in the hands of cruel colonizers.
June ', disturbing groundwater in the Market Model, visit the rafts of land surrounded by water where slaves were crammed just landed.
Their culture and 'still managed to survive what statute', including the violent repression (continued to this day, particularly at the time of military dictatorship) against camdomble 'and capoiera and other expressions of that culture.
The history of all settlers looks like what I see every day from the terrace house Pereira: on the tin roof terrace overlooking a woman throws early in the morning millet, red-brown strange birds flock in droves and quietly begin to peck their food, but here comes a bird more 'bulk of the others could peacefully join the group and caught his hand (there' for all). But no one, overbearing and aggressive, begins to address one by one trying to chase other birds away. So 'tranquillamnete colonists could join the Indians, fraternize with them, learn and give useful knowledge for both peoples, but no, those people went stermninata, lust for exclusive possession and even racism, jackets' those Indians who did not know true religion, that of the settlers, the Christian religion, were not considered human beings and therefore could be deleted without any scruples.

Each "Tercia de bencao" (ie every "Tuesday 'blessed"), held in the Pelourinho a spectacle of music. Assist in the day August 12 Jumbaga off ', (overlooking the Rua do Carmo, which leads to Covent Carmine hour luxury hotel, where the steep stairway that leads to one of 365 churches in Salvador (one for each day of the year are carried out - as remembered by a commemorative plaque - the film "The payer of promise" winner of the Palme d'Or at Cannes 1962), at the sight of Geronimo, a kind of poet-agitator alternating music and political messages of moderate dispute. Todo mundo or dance to its rhythms triggered on very restricted areas of the staircase.

In the evening: the odyssey ladeira de Montanha, strong slope in the road leading from the barrio Comercio (where the market model and the maritime station from which you embark on the various tours organized in the Bay, including the escuna (schooner) Maria Mulata who will be 'coming next August 12) in Pelourinho, alternatively all'Elevador Lacerda at every turn off their sirens tempting their seductive song: "I get up, I get up, senhor." Shooting straight: I am reminded of the admonitions of Sandra, a family friend, his tales of mulhieres that draw passersby in the hands of Ladrones ready to rob and then matarli.
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Parentheses poetic

Oh, Bahia de Todos os Santos e de todos minha madrugadas,
Orlada Ilhas de com contornos ondulados cabelos como de garotas ...
Franco Visentini

The first thing I do every morning is not 'linked to another, even urgent task, but to open the door to the terrace and admire the bay that lies beneath my eyes, the long island of Itaparica stretched across its surface undulating to score ideally land borders of this huge lake virtual, whose real limits lie beyond the reach of my gaze.

Remember to say that we speak of "dtodos Bahia de Todos os Santos e de quase or peccados, to say the old reputation for sensuality 'of these people. Jokingly reply that all sins are amended by a purifying bath in its waters, which are becoming so in the holy waters like those of the Ganges.


Oi, perche’ soy tam triste,
oi, a belleza que esiste,
a beleza que nem e’ so minha,
e tambiem passa soizinha....
(Tom Jobim : A garota de Ipanema )

Nothing to do: there is no 'Dante, Petrarch, Leopardi, taking in front of the significance of these two verses in which I am in full:

Oi, perche’ soy tam triste,
oi, a belleza que esiste...


The awareness of the beauty of creation around us, yet the inability 'to us poor mortals to appreciate to the fullest, because' unlike the birds do not fly so we CAPC in 'Above the level of that beauty, especially if we are in the throes of dark evils ....
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And 'one of the most rainy days since we have here, is usually followed by sunshine Pluvia ligera caliente more than before: this is the winter of Bahia, at least in this August (I know that in other months it rains almost continuously for days and the consequences are disastrous but widely expected, given that homes in these suburbs are built without any prior view of municipal technicians, on the edges of cliffs where they end bulky household waste, often carry-over land in the complete absence of normal urbanization: June 12 deaths and hundreds of families from homes destroyed by landslides roofs smashed or underlying land, farther north, in Maranhão, in Ceara, in Para, due to unusual flooding this year, are million people still wallow in the mud, hundreds of thousands of families sleeping in shelters and with a thousand disgi the streets unsafe, the schools to reach by boat, hospitals closed, while in the south to the border ' Argentina in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, no rain for months and the dry forces to ration water and ruin the crops.).
Under the autumn drizzle we start with two submissions to San Sebastiao do Pass, about 100 m inland from Salvador to achieve - after trekking fangosissimo - the house of Olinda and Eloise, brother of woman Aurea, including animals of all kinds including a uribù that hovers menacingly over our heads waiting to bite into a chicken dead (only feeds on carrion).
All surrounded by lush vegetation and cane sugar, bananas and avocados.
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Visit Bar, with its strong, the oldest of the continent, the boundary between the bay and ocean, as well as the landing point of the first governor of Bahia, Tome de Souza, an event immortalized in a azuleios a head of sandy beach bordered by the strong Barra.
While we are starting to get out of breath to tell a neighbor that the nearby Road Liberdade criminals are robbing the occupants of the car without traffic lights.
Beach crowded to capacity with peddlers of every age and sex, some of whom claims to be "seller" and misrepresent knowledge around the globe, preferably in the country of origin of its occasional contact and have the potential client, it tries to push the His propitiatory necklaces.
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August 5 to 9

Five intense days in the building (in reality 'a region of less than 6 million square meters) Aquas de Sauipe (86 miles north of Salvador) from Thursday 5 to Sunday, Aug. 8.

The house of our hosts Marion Thieme and Domingos (brother of Golden, passed by important musical in Germany and half the world, including Australia, unreachable player every percussion instrument, including the inevitable berimbao, a kind of stringed instrument which, however, 'fights with his baton), cosmopolitan Brazilian-German couple who stay here for 4 years, overlooking magnificent panoramic view, with its large semicircular wooden exterior, the Lagoon sucuri', or of anacondas. What makes me a little 'chills him, but certainly does not break the spell of the place: the wraparound sequence of small bays of the lagoon, where the pier and' moored boat Domingos (Puccini comes to mind that wanders in Massaciucoli boat on the lake at Torre del Lago near Lucca duck hunting), a stable of horses on the hill in front of the towering villa with its magnificent 360 degree view, the most numerous animals' home or not in circulation (dogs in quantity 'industrial names creative Priscila, Doctor etc.., cats, lizards, and small, curious, caracollanti cichiti, but that' held off for fear of dogs), the sunrise with his reflections on the water the dirt roads between the various isolated villas along which runs the bughi Domingos of the usual jaunty threatened at every step of sending to the land occupants of rear seats, the sound near the ocean at night very effective all contribute to the charm of the place. Yet intuition and threatening presence of certain 'ready to seize their prey troubled (but the label says Marion' of his quiet swim alongside the safe ', as harmless as fish roam far from water plants: you leave even caress ).

In the evening around the campfire tales impressive run of fishermen going out to fish from the lagoon and no more 'back, perhaps crushed between the coils of anacondas, impressive body of animals that seek their prey long before the attack after being wrapped with the long tail around the roots of submerged aquatic plants, or assaults safe 'to large animals like cattle with long horns sertajo.
The restless Marion complains because 'technology (Internet, in particular), is late up here'. Et pour cause!
Nearby there is' the ecological reserve "Aquas de Sauipe, um dos ÚLTIMOS refúgios ecológicos da Mata Atlântica in Bahia, we visit with Marion and found that contains, in addition to the forest (mata) Atlantic is the only museum natural state Bahia.
In the nearby port of Sauipe you can 'finally swim safely in Rio that here flows into the perilous Ocean
(Miles and miles of water where you can 'virtually only wet feet or to surf on the waves). But around here it seems that we are almost the only tourists: those who frequent the beach are carpenteiros petreros or crowding the small number of locations pousades', engaged in the work of completion of the enormous, luxurious hotel-apartment complex in Costa Sauipe, three kilometers from here, a place for millionaires vip (homes for one million reais average).
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After the braces Sauipe returns to El Salvador. The morning is spent almost entirely in front of the computer to download songs by Tom Jobim, god of Brazilian music, but not that of Bahia, where his bossanova not much seems to have taken root.
Moreover, old songs here often echo Italian readjusted by Peppino di Capri Modugno.
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Tour of the Bay Islands (island of Itaparica and friars in particular the escuna or the brig "Maria Mulata" from splashing water and winds, and especially music pounding from start to finish of the usual group, while a beautiful young very dark skin filming everything to sell from 50 reais to the participants (not enough as the 70 already dropped and the cost of drinks on board and those on the ground).
Landed at Itaparica, we are confined in a self-service restaurant open in front of the beach from where in practice we can only remove a bus to visit the city-center of town. Are precautionary measures - discover later - because even this island, which was quiet retreat slvadoregni of second-home owners, is now haunted by a growing crime, for a change.
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Evening varies with the daughter of a brother of Donna Golden, Gonzalo, the recently assassinated, which leads - after long wandering parties Ocean - the "Bambara Chopera" on Avenida Octavio Mangabeira, with live music and singles in elderly looking for partner to surrender to pleasure of dancing. Once again you can see the dynamic capabilities of these people (the Brazilian tends to reduce everything to dance, be it play or work, "Freyre Gilberto)
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Taxi in Cachoeira, a town of 31,966 inhabitants of the state of Bahia on the outskirts of Rio Paraguaçu, about 120 km from Salvador - so close, if one judges by the standards of the abysmal distances of this continent (historical site because 'the first rebellion breaks out here antiportoghese of 1823) for the procession of Our Lady of Good Death, which seems to piu'conosciuta 'abroad, especially among African Americans who flock there in droves, and among the Bahian, many of them even know it (and' incredible lack of knowledge of the territory of their state that by Bahian Bahian hinterland of population and vice versa, as big as France, compared to their capital (Adailton said that when friends from El Salvador and 'landed, after nearly four hours of travel, in Cansaicao, northwest of Salvador, in the heart of sertao has been accepted by the locals almost like Christopher Columbus to the first landing in America: an inhabitant of the distant capital of Salvador is a scarce commodity for those people, to observe curiously like an animal being of extinction).

Like many other Marian devotions, the cult of Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte arrives in Brazil with the Portuguese. It is found, em primeiro lugar, na cidade de São Salvador da Bahia. A imagem de Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte pode ser venerada na igreja da Glória e Saúde. Ainda hoje, na véspera da festa da Assunção, a imagem é depositada num esquife e exposta à visita dos fiéis.
Tudo indica que, de Salvador, a devoção tenha se deslocado para a cidade de Cachoeira, no Recôncavo baiano. Nesta cidade, anualmente, a Irmandade da Boa Morte presta homenagens a sua patrona. A Irmandade de Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte é a única no Brasil e talvez no mundo com as suas características. Solo mulheres com mais de 40 anos são admitidas na confraria que existe há mais de dois séculos. O culto a Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte é uma tradição da Igreja Católica e que na Bahia incorporou elementos da cultura afro-brasileira. A cada ano, os rituais promovidos pela irmandade atraem mais turistas e pesquisadores de vários países, principalmente dos Estados Unidos.
A Festa de Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte tem início com la processione dei membri da irmandade que tem o nome da santa. Nesta procissão, as irmãs, vestidas de bata redonda e saia branca comprida, iniciam os rituais que duram três dias, conduzindo a imagem de Nossa Senhora no esquife pelas principais ruas do centro histórico. Após o percurso, elas levam a imagem até a sede da irmandade, onde rezam pela memória das irmãs falecidas. Encerrando o culto religioso, participam da ceia branca, quando são servidos pratos à base de frutos do mar, acompanhados de pão e vinho.
Nel secondo dia da programação, as integrantes da irmandade retornam às ruas de Cachoeira, para il rituale da procissão do sepultamento. Vestidas com suas becas pretas, elas carregam a imagem de Nossa Senhora, em silêncio, seguidas pelos músicos da filarmônica, que tocam marchas fúnebres. De volta à capela, com a imagem, participam da celebração que simboliza uma celebração de exéquias.

No domingo, quando os festejos atingem o auge da programação, as irmãs comemoram a Assunção de Nossa Senhora da Glória. Neste dia, saem em procissão, em clima de muita alegria. Nas mãos, carregam flores e enfeitam suas becas com colares de contas coloridas e dourados. Ao final da procissão, retornam para a sede da irmandade e trocam as becas por saias batas coloridas. Vestidas assim, recebem todos os convidados para o tradicional banquete da Irmandade de Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte, dando início a três dias de samba-de-roda.

The ritual and 'interesting and very involved, especially by African Americans, but there' humanitarian presence too massive and pervasive, even in church, photographers with their flash incomodanti, which ruins the charm of the ceremony. It 'really true: there is' more 'religion, there is no' respect even for what should be primarily a sacred rite, and not the 'social event and that' reduced. How sad!
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On the Internet I read this announcement:
Hello, my name and '... are a guide, I live in Salvador de Bahia - Brazil.
If you want to spend a different vacation tailor-made, customized to your style needs, please contact me as well, will 'for me' a pleasure to help you spend a pleasant Salvador BAHIA BRAZIL ..
1. Com because less than € 90,000.00 euros, you can buy a villa of 100 m2 to less than a kilometer. from the center of Salvador.
2. Why in the coast of northeastern Brazil can enjoy unparalleled climate um 12 months during the year, um radiant sun and delicious sea breezes. The entire shoreline of the Northeast is a tropical paradise, bathed in golden light of the sun like few places on earth, where the temperature is tempered by constant sea breezes. Rarely there are extremely hot. Rains, mostly showers passengers, is spaced out with periods of sun.
No need to elect the best season of the year to enjoy the beach and the sun, which is always present. So please stop asking what is the best month, all 365 days a year are good to visit us.
3. Because the coast is full of heavenly beaches of fine, white sand, surrounded by coconut trees, with water with mild temperatures which frequently form natural pools.
4. Why you can enjoy tasty meat, fish and crustaceans in excellent restaurants for less than $ 30R (yes, just something in + € 10)
5. Why only a stone's throw away you can meet not only beaches, but also impressive rivers, sand dunes incredible, precious lakes, hills with so much vegetation, and finally, a nature so varied as spectacular, difficult to write a few words .
6. Why can exploit all the advantages of its cosmopolitan cities as well as the peace of dozens of fishermen in small villages incontrarai throughout the Northeast coast.
7. . Because, although Brazil is considered the country of samba, football and beautiful women, as the diversion northeast coast offers many other options, especially for lovers of extreme sports and / or ecotourism as for those who like to enjoy the night until dawn and beyond.
8. Why the Northeast region, in contrast to cities like Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, is peaceful and has a high level of security (violence and organized crime are concentrated in the "favelas" of these cities) as terrorism and conflicts Armed totally unknown in Brazil
9. Because the quality of health care (and private), with a rich and well equipped network of hospitals and medical centers, is comparable if not superior, to that of European countries.
10. Why dentists provide high performance. Many of them have foreign diplomas. Americans frequently are in Brazil for dental treatment (plants) at prices much lower than in the United States. The Europeans so far have not taken advantage of this situation. Dentists and opticians mainly use imported material. There are few manufacturers of equipment and lenses in the world. So why pay three times more expensive Zeiss or Essilor lenses themselves? If you want to buy a new pair of glasses with the latest models of frames, buy them here and save half the price of your ticket. The other half would be paid for by savings on treatment by the dentist. Think about it.
11. Because, unlike what happened with other areas affected by mass-tourism, the character of people is open, cheerful and amiable, and the smiles that exempt foreign tourists are natural and spontaneous.
12. Why the current exchange rate with the Brazilian currency (1 euro = 3 reais aprox.) Allows the purchase of all goods and services fee is very affordable.
13. Why invest in real estate is legally safe and with great expectations of revaluation, as in both the short and long term, in a country of huge expansion, with undoubted resources, and that, economically, is going far beyond all expectations

Reiterated that personally, in my long, probably mostly unconscious wanderings on foot and by bus far and wide throughout the city ', Magalhaes airport up the promontory of Ribeira, I never saw it' nor suffered violence ( except what I have to tell where the real culprit of what happened and I am just me, jackets 'I could sense the impending danger ol'insidia, but I deliberately closed his eyes and became absorbed in ecstasy' of meeting the opposite sex), even scazzottature (except once in passing), to disprove the claim that El Salvador would have a high level of security, here is a summary of recent news stories involving tourists, not to mention the rest.

The day Monday 'August 17 touches to the undersigned directly experience the danger' of so-called "pirigueri" femme fatale who scour the city center on the hunt for tourists to rob.
Remarks, bitter, and 'that has' been a too easy prey for the mission by Rouba from this mulher rua.
Deputy Honorary Consul Dr. Giovanni Pisanu, and an elderly gentleman lying in the seat of Avenida Sete de Setembro, 1238 boasts very stetticismo the possibility 'that the woman is identified and punished. I recommend once again for Italy, since I no longer 'dineiro.
Civilian police, in DELTUR, Delegation of Cruzeiro Sao Francisco in Pelourinho expressly intended "to protect the tourists," shows me a series of photos of women tabs, clear-looking women of life. Nothing even remotely resembles the woman in question.
Unlike the console, boasts a lot of confidence in the possibility 'to locate it. Mah!

From CORREJO of the Day 21.08.2009 - 7:27 a.m.:
Assaltantes roubam hotel de luxo no Santo Antônio Além do Carmo: Quatro Homens and uma mulher, armados com pistolas and metralhadoras, assaltaram na fourth-feira (19) to Pousada des Arts, seis meses aberta há in the Piazza Santo Antônio Além do Carmo in Centro Histórico, near Pelourinho.
The next day the owner of the Pousada Correjo concerned Polícia Militar accused of failure to report the assault immediately.
Curious these military police, stationed motionless as statues, usually two, at various points in the center, especially protection of tourists seem to be most feared by the natives' criminals, especially when organizing their roadblocks, a kind of nightmare for all motorists Salvador: If someone is distracted and miss the block that shot burst without a second, usually Matando everything 'that moves around, then if something happens around them, or someone goes to denounce their some crime, usually flaunt apathy.
Meantime, huge billboards everywhere ensure that the government of Bahia is doing everything possible to improve the lives of Bahian, starting with their safety: in particular, increasing the contingent of military police and its resources.
Piu'correttamente is puo'leggere elsewhere (site this review of Salvador:
“ É uma capital violenta, recheada de desigualdades sociais e favelas ".
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So, the facts. As outlined in the morning police:
At approximately 18 hours in Terreiro De Jesus in the center, I was approached by a tall, morena, wavy hair, stocky build, aged about thirty, who suggested going to the nearby Cantina Da Lua, where we sat for a table outside.
I left briefly to a need to return to consuming the drink order, chat of this and that when she proposed to go to his house, promising sparks. I was then already over here that the '(likely effect of a doping substance in the drink slipped from its socket) dazed and obeyed orders like a robot performing the garota, including the right to make a withdrawal to the nearby Banco do Brasil . Dopidichè not remember anything. I knew after being rccolto in pitiful condition by a taxi driver to my knowledge, led to the house, then to the police, and soon after in hospital for an IV. Back home at dawn, I woke up late this morning with no recall nothing happened.
In addition to risking, losing occasion cash, card and mobile phone Postamat my mother-in-law.
After sa crime, my solitary exits for the city thinned out dramatically.
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Adailton towing a cart of Garot, mostly young, and drags me to the evening in an endless tour of the premises Orla, all crowded to capacity, plus since Saturday.
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Come back from Orla afternoon I stop in Largo do Pelourinho to perform a concert in which all the city's most popular groups, including "Baby Dida", a complex of only girls can dance to with incredible coordination and simultaneously strike and decisively beat their huge drums of Africa, while Dida - a big woman wider than tall - aptly sings the centerpiece of his repertoire, "Mama Africa".
Unfortunately, once again ignoring the urgent appeals of relatives to keep your eyes open already, and let me pull out their wallets in their pockets by taking advantage of someone who dances under the stage to wild urtarmi and do the deed.
So leave, plus little cash, all my documents except pasaporto, and the credit card that I have time to stop to avoid correrre withdraw money, as was done for the card Postamat.
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Visit the Parque Zoobotânico Getúlio Vargas Salvador: the urubù rei, the first animal to be admired and perhaps most notably, a distant relative of the vultures, seen up close is really weird, with those wide open eyes that hypnotize you're red and that particular bill that has hung something vaguely resembling a nose and can but rather a strange excrescence red.
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I had planned to stay here until September 27, perhaps leaving the house of my guests (guests are like fish: after a while 'stinks, "the saying goes, although I understand that some guests in this house Italian particularly profiteer and unscrupulous - but for these people it is almost "normal"! - there was even an entire year! - like former estranged husband of the late Tucci) for a hotel, but distressed and afflicted more than by personal circumstances, continual warnings, exacerbated by the cases above, the endemic violence of this world by my guests, suddenly decides to leave. The taxi driver who takes me to the airport adds more pieces to the framework already grim enough, but he said the governor Wagner is making great efforts to put a piece, taking on men at full strength (more than six thousand police officers), probably also in view of World Cup of 2014 in El Salvador is one of the seats. Otherwise, who would ever there?

After a few days at home, with some regret (for example, failing to see the museum of modern art or a Candomblé ceremony), I hear from family members residing in Parma Pereira in the way of Liberdade, the road that runs daily, are made very striking successes, buses burned, people died in tiroteios (firefights) between bandits and police and so on ... .. Apparently this is due to a reprisal for the transfer of the bandits in a prison in Mato Grosso secure a local boss: indeed the arrogance and danger of delinquency has no limits (imagine what happens to Rio or Sao Paulo where I say that violence is significantly higher than that recorded in Salvador!).
I hope that one day all this will end, as promised with some over-optimism, my driver, but in the meantime the situation there is really ugly.
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  • Franco Visentini
  • Età 25467 giorni (70)
  • Parma


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