Bogotà, Colombia : COLOMBIA

ritornoalparallelozero : south america : colombia : distrito capital : bogotà is an exciting traveller community of the world

Bogotà, Colombia


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Bogotà, Colombia

Località: Bogotà
Regione: Distrito capital
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Other thirteen hours between mountains, bends, and accelerated and braked in the late evening we arrived in Bogota the Colombian capital immense built to a height of 2600 meters. Arriving at the bus station, we immediately contacted Juan Carlos, a friend who lived there. Comunicatoci his address we have to turn the first available taxi to reach his home, wash and go out to dinner. Returning home we had a chat with Wanda and missing two of our friends who live with Juan Carlos: would be our guide in Bogota.
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The following day, almost entirely planned by our friends we should have spent visiting the city, but first of all we were in the offices of our airline is to change one of our trip. Things have proved more difficult than expected and intercontinental telephone calls between various misunderstandings and we lost almost half a day. The time we stayed there we used the visit of some important buildings, one of the many parks close to 'business area and not much else.
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The next day we were directed towards the device to realize the continuous development that is going through the city and conditions in the poorest classes of society. In full periphery rises like a cathedral in the desert, one of three huge libraries of Bogotá, this particularly interesting because it derived from an old company recycling waste. After a visit inside the library are returned to the city center, strictly on board the Transmilenio, a sort of metropolitan area functionally connecting the focal points of the city. Our next objective was the sanctuary of Monserrate from where you could have a complete picture of the city. The shrine is situated atop a hill and fraught to reach it is necessary to board a cable car that climbs a few minutes on a drop of over one hundred and fifty meters. From there you can contemplate Bogotà in all its majesty and beauty, nine million people on the move and continues to grow. To reach the city of darkness, began to light up and take on a new brilliance highlighted by the main road that seemed rivers of light. Because the wind chill was about time to go back home, we were awarded a cup of chocolate in one of the many bars and so this day came to an end.
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In the morning, with the luggage, we were already on a van that would take us near Bogota, again took possession of the apartment of Juan Carlos and stowed luggage, we spent the rest of the day all that failure has led us back to square Bolivar, to see with the light of day and then head to the nearby Museum of Modern Art to see a show almost entirely devoted to Fernando Botero, the Colombian artist famous native of Medellin.
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The next day was destined to leave Colombia, a country that many of us had described as extremely dangerous and disorganized in which the only activity seemed to be the trade of white powder. Conversely, starting with its capital Bogotá (almost comparable to a major European city) the country we felt it was extremely safe chaired a large number of military police who will ensure your peace of mind. With this we should not forget the problems that still are present in the country first of all a latent guerrillas.
Packed luggage and greeted our friends, we direct to the airport to embark on the time of our last state: Brazil!
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