A wonderful road trip around the cities of Perù : PERU

monellovagabondo78 : south america : peru : lima, sachsayuaman, tipon, moray, maras, urubamba, pisaq, ollantaytambo, aguas calientes, machu picchu, cuzco, puno, lake titicaca, arequipa
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Travel review PERU PERU
A wonderful road trip around the cities of Perù

Lima, Sachsayuaman, Tipon, Moray, Maras, Urubamba, Pisaq, Ollantaytambo, Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu, Cuzco, Puno, Lake Titicaca, Arequipa

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A wonderful road trip around the cities of Perù

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  • Enrico Virgili
  • Età 16903 giorni (46)
  • San Benedetto del Tronto


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